Chapter 3

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Damon's POV
It was evening and slowly the whole high school gathered in our house because Caroline was having some party and Stefan, the fool in love, had to make our house available to her and her whole school.

I was in my room and buttoned my shirt.
I didn't want to go downstairs to the others but I wanted to know if she was there.

Somehow I found Luna interesting, she was different from the typical high school girls.

I wanted to find out what was different about her and why I couldn't get her out of my mind.

Otherwise, all I wanted from women was sex and to feed from them.
But I wanted more from Luna, I really wanted to get to know her.

Our first meeting did not go so well, I must admit, maybe it was because of my arrogant nature but I just can not help it.

But if she is at the party today she will not be able to resist my charm and in case of emergency I would simply compel her into giving me a chance.

I went downstairs with my glass of bourbon in hand and searched the crowd for her beautiful face.

After a few minutes I saw her, she was standing by Tyler, talking to him.
I eavesdropped on their conversation with my vampire hearing.

The Conversation:
T: And what do you think of your first party in Mystic Falls?
L: The party is really good.
T: Yeah Caroline always throws the best parties. And the great thing is that in this house we don't just have to drink the cheap party beer. We can have some of Damon's good drinks.
L: Would that be okay for Damon at all if we drink his good stuff?
T:Damon doesn't need to know anything about it.

The two of them went to the cupboard where I stored my good bourbon.
That little fucking wolf really wanted to get his hands on my booze.

I walked in their direction and stood behind them. "Tyler get your filthy paws off my bourbon right now before I cut them off." I said in a warning tone.
Tyler startled and they both turned to me.
"Come on Damon, can't you share something with us for once?" Asked Tyler. "No and now go." I reply to him sullenly.

Tyler took Luna's hand and was about to leave with her. "She can stay." I said to Tyler and stood in front of him and Luna.
He finally let go of her hand and left.

Now I could finally focus on Luna.
She had a red tight fitting mini dress with a black leather jacket on. Her blonde hair was wavy and fell over her shoulders.
She was lightly made up but even without make up she would look perfect. She looked like a dream come true to me.

She looked at me. "What was that all about Damon?"
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"Your behavior towards Tyler. That's no way to treat people." "Well Tyler is a dog and not a human." I laughed lightly, but Luna didn't think that my words were so funny. I could see it in her stern expression.

Luna wanted to push past me but I held her hand. "Luna, wait. I didn't mean it like that. This between me and Tyler is just fun, we always tease each other with stupid sayings."
If only she knew that Tyler really turns into a big dog on the full moon and it wasn't just a stupid saying.

"What do you want from me?" she asked me, sounding slightly annoyed.
I guess it won't be that easy to crack her.

"I'd like to show you something,will you come? I won't hurt you or whatever bad thing you expect me to do right now."

Luna nodded hesitantly and followed me outside to the porch.
I sat down on the wall and tapped my hand next to me. "One,two,three Luna come to me." I said with a wide and charming smile on my face.
She had to smile briefly but tried to hide it and sat down next to me.

I pointed to a bigger star in the sky. "From here you can almost always see the starry sky and especially the bigger stars I think have something impressively beautiful about them. Don't you think so?"
She nodded slightly. "I've always found the night sky impressive too, it always calms me down in a certain way." She told me.

I had to smile and knew that it was now my chance to manipulate her into finding this really romantic and wanting to kiss me. After that she would automatically fall in love with me.

I looked deep into her eyes and started talking while my pupils got bigger and then smaller again, all the time I was compelling her with my words.

"You're finding this really romantic right now. The night in the woods and everything you saw that night,you will forget after this party. Our first meeting was in the kitchen at my house and it went better than you think. You couldn't get me out of your head after that and even dreamed about me. Right now at this moment you want nothing more than to kiss me."
I leaned in to kiss her as I felt a slight burn on my cheek.

She had slapped me and looked at me in shock. "What kind of game are you trying to play with me? I'll never want to kiss you. I'll never forget that night in the woods and I'll find out the truth about the animal attacks and you." She said and stood up.

Before I could answer she left, leaving me stunned while I rubbed my cheek.

Why couldn't I manipulate her? Was she on vervain?

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