Chapter 2

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Luna's POV

At school, I couldn't stop thinking about last night in the woods and the dead girl.

Was it really an animal attack? Why was Damon in the woods? Did he want to save her from the animal or did he do something to her? Was he some kind of monster?
The way the girls described him.
He was definitely not a good person, but that doesn't mean he is a monster or an ax murderer.

Caroline interrupted my thoughts by saying my name. "Luna? Earth to Luna? Where are you with your thoughts?"
I looked up at her. "Sorry I was just thinking."

We were sitting in the school cafeteria with Bonnie, Stefan and Tyler.
"What were you thinking about? You've been preoccupied with your thoughts all day." Stefan asked me.
I briefly wondered if I should really voice my suspicions. "I was jogging in the woods last night. I heard a scream but didn't see anything except a guy from behind and he looked like Damon from behind but when I went in his direction he disappeared off the face of the earth.... Then this morning there was this headline in the paper about an animal attack with a dead girl in the woods." I told them and at the word animal attack they all exchanged looks like they knew something more about it and no one said anything until Stefan spoke up.

"So whatever you saw was not Damon. He was home all night."
"Animal attacks happen often here in the woods so stay away from the woods especially at night." Caroline said and tapped her finger impatiently on her thigh, she probably always did that when she was lying.
Stefan quickly put his hand on Caroline's hand on her thigh when he saw my look at Caroline's hand.
"Care always gets nervous when it comes to animal attacks. She's always been afraid of wild animals." Stefan tried to explain.

The school bell put an end to this conversation.

We went back to class but I knew that the two of them had just lied to me and that all four of them knew more than they wanted to admit.
But I would find out the truth about these so-called animal attacks.

In the afternoon we all met at Stefan's house to do a school project.

The property of Damon and Stefan's house was huge.
The house was furnished pretty old fashioned but it was really beautiful.
We all sat in the living room and worked on the project.

Since I had mentioned the animal attacks earlier the mood was weird.
I went into the kitchen to get something to drink.

Damon was sitting at the kitchen table. I saw his face for the first time.
His face features were too perfect to be true.
His baby blue eyes looked at me as I entered the kitchen.
"Hey I'm Luna, Stefan said I could grab a bottle of water from the fridge." I said and walked to the fridge to grab the bottle of water.

When I turned around again, Damon was suddenly standing in front of me. I hadn't even heard him get up from the table and come to me.
"I'm Damon, Stefan's big brother. You're new in town aren't you?" asked Damon in his raspy voice.
"Yeah I moved here a little over a week ago and I live here now."
"All alone?" he asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes all alone,I have no family. Why do you ask that?"
"I was just curious. Everyone has a family or at least parents so why did you really move to a strange city by yourself. It could be dangerous all alone in this new unknown city." Damon said and continued to look at me questioningly which was starting to make me really uncomfortable so I answered with a counter question.
"Do you have family here except for Stefan? After all, you must have parents too. And this is a small town so what's going to happen except animal attacks in the woods."

Damon had not expected this, he seemed impressed and surprised by my reaction, probably he was not used to people not dancing to his tune and contradicting him.
But he caught himself quickly and answered me. "Our parents are dead so I only have Stefan and I take care of him. So you read the newspaper because otherwise you shouldn't know about the animal attacks. It's really terrible what predators do but they have to survive as well and you should never run around alone in the woods at night and play warrior princess like you did last night when I saw you in the woods. Otherwise you'll be the next victim of the animals. Just a tip from a nice guy like me. After all, you don't have a family that teaches you that, but I can teach you that and many other things. You could learn so much from me" he said quite arrogantly and grinned at me while he practically undressed me with his eyes.

I was quite startled by his behavior and his confession that he was also in the woods last night.
"I won't be taught anything by you. But thanks for confirming what everyone thinks of you." I answer him pissed. "What have I confirmed? That I'm hot, irresistible, elegant and every woman want me." He grinned at me.
"No that you're an arrogant jerk."
I answer him bitchily and pushed past him back into the living room.

"What were you doing in the kitchen so long?" asked Stefan. "I met your self absorbed ass of a brother."
"Yeah that sounds like Damon.Like I said stay away from him." Stefan said and everyone nodded in agreement.

We continued working on the school project and I noticed Damon watching us from the kitchen. As soon as my eyes met his, I immediately looked away.

They were all right, he isn't a good guy and I can't like him. Staying away from him will be the best option.

A few days passed and I tried not to think about Damon and his arrogant behavior because think about it makes me angry but also I feel something different when I think about him,something I haven't felt before in my life.

Tonight there was a party at Stefan's that Caroline organized and I just hope that Damon will not be there. I wouldn't know how to act near him.

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