Chapter 4

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Damon's POV

The morning after the party I woke up with some girl whose name I couldn't remember.
As I said goodbye to the her at the door.
I noticed how my hand started to burn as the sun shone on it. I quickly closed the door.
Was my daylight ring not working or what was going on? It couldn't be my daylight ring.

Now I needed a glass of bourbon.
I was about to take a bottle of my favorite bourbon when it exploded in my hand.
I took the next bottle, which exploded again. After 7 exploded bourbon bottles and a lot of broken glass on the floor.
I got angry.
The thing with the daylight ring and the exploding bourbon couldn't be a coincidence.

So I called the only person who could be responsible for it or at least solve it.
And that was Bonnie Bennett, the town witch.
After telling her briefly on the phone that I had a magical problem, she came to my house.

Stefan and Caroline had gotten up in the meantime because my swearing had woken them up, which I didn't really care about.

Stefan opened the door for Bonnie and let her in.
"So what's this magical problem you were talking about on the phone?" Bonnie asked me as she sat down on the sofa.
"I think you cursed me, you little witch, so undo it." I snapped angrily at Bonnie. After all, she was the only witch in town and she definitely wasn't always my biggest fan.
"I didn't curse you. Believe me Damon, I have better things to do than curse you. And what do you mean you're cursed?"
"My bourbon bottles explode as soon as I touch them and my daylight ring has somehow stopped working. And only witches can do that, and you're the only witch in this town, so fix it."

Bonnie looked at my hand with the daylight ring and said some kind of spell.
"Right your daylight ring was affected by a witch but it wasn't me. But I lifted that curse. You must have annoyed another witch who wanted to teach you a lesson."

"But Bonnie, apart from you and your Grams, there aren't any witches in Mystic Falls" Caroline said and she was right.
"Maybe Damon recently angered a witch from another town. The witch doesn't have to be in the same town for such a small curse, but she must have something personal from Damon" Bonnie said and looked at me. "So you must have met this witch and she must have stolen something from you, maybe just some hair or a glass you were drinking from."

I thought for a moment and then I knew who it must have been. It must have been Luna, she had taken the glass I had been drinking from yesterday but I thought she had just put it away but the little thief must have put it in her handbag. If she's a witch, that's another reason why I couldn't compel her.

"Thanks Bon-Bon. I know who it was." I said and left the house immediately without answering Bonnie's question "Who was it?".

I went to the woods and would wait here until she came, even if it took days.
I had a feeling that she would come to the woods,after all she wouldn't stop trying to find out more about the animal attacks and where better to find out than where they were happening.

After a few hours I heard footsteps and knew that my feeling was not wrong, she had come back to the woods.

I turned and looked at Luna. "I think you owe me an apology, witch."
Luna laughed and answered. "I don't owe you anything, vampire. That was the punishment for your bad behavior. Because of vampires like you, humanity will eventually know about supernatural beings. Although I didn't even think there was anything supernatural in this small town."
"Oh, believe me, there's more supernatural stuff in this town than anywhere else. Besides, I'm not a danger because I always manipulate or kill people after I've fed of them."

Luna raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Yeah, and you manipulate the police into saying it's animal attacks. Don't you think that will be noticed at some point?"
"It won't be noticed, only country bumpkins live here and with my abilities they'll believe anything I want them to believe."

Luna just shook her head. "I thought I could really start over here without all the supernatural drama."
"I guess you were wrong about that. So you're a witch?"
"Believe me Damon, I'm more than just a witch."

I looked at her questioningly, what did she mean, she can only be a witch. There are no other supernatural beings who can do magic.

Luna saw my questioningly look and was probably unsure if she should really say what she said next. "I am a tribrid, a mixture of witch, werewolf and vampire. I'm the only one of my kind."

I looked at her in disbelief. Tribrid?
I'd never heard of tribrids before.
I knew that there was one hybrid in the world that was part of the original vampire family.

"How is it that you are a tribrid? I only know that there is one hybrid that belongs to the original vampire family. I've never heard of tribrids and I have a lot of good contacts with vampires, witches and even a few werewolves, although to be honest I don't really get on that well with werewolves, which is probably because they've tried to eat me before."

She had to laugh and grinned cheekily at me. "Then I guess curious little vampires like you should avoid the woods on full moon."
She had actually just hit me with almost my own words I said to her in the kitchen a few days ago.

Her laughter sounded like music to my ears and I automatically smiled briefly, but when she looked at me I immediately put on a serious face again.

I was still angry that she had cursed me and was probably lying to me about being part vampire.
"I don't care if you're a tribrid, a unicorn or just a witch. You robbed me of $500 worth of my favorite bourbon and nearly killed me when you cursed my daylight ring."

"Don't be so dramatic Damon, the thing with the daylight ring didn't really kill you. You just had to stay inside and behave yourself for once, and that bit of grounding did you good."

I looked at her in bewilderment and slowly got a little angry with her again. "Don't act like I'm dramatizing it. If you really were part vampire, you'd know how dangerous the sun is without a working daylight ring. I'm hanging on for dear life so don't ever do that again because you don't want me as your enemy!" I snapped at her angrily.

I was older than her and she should have some respect for me, as it should be among vampires, although I didn't buy her story that she was part vampire anyway, because she wasn't wearing a daylight ring.
I disappeared into the darkness pretty quickly.
After all, I didn't really want to argue with her or make her dislike me even more. I had to find out if her story is true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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