Oriole - SkyWing

4 1 0

4 Days before the events of The Dragonet Prophecy

Patrol duty again, wouldn't want it any other way if I was a fool.

Ever since the previous IceWing attack the higher ups have been scrambling to find out how they've passed our mountain range. General Kainite is especially furious as now she says all of their progress on denying any possible way of infiltration has been for nothing.

I don't blame her, but she doesn't know the current condition of the forces stationed. She's been stuck at the Sky Palace for moon's know who long. Apparently Queen Scarlet wants her there. Probably because she's one of the only capable SkyWings in this entire war, the queen likely doesn't want this war to end just yet.

But it doesn't mean that we don't want the war to end, at least I want it to end. I'm tired of this war. I'm tired of everything.

And yet here I am on the edge of the Sky Kingdom looking over the Kingdom of Sand for any IceWings.

What do the IceWings even get from this war, why do they fight? Maybe they're bored? Must be sad living at the frozen edges of Pyrrhia.

Bah, that's the exhaustion talking. I REALLY need to get some sleep. Nobody has arrived to relieve my post in 3 months. Well, there's the new recruits but honestly, they're too hot headed and can't be trusted with patrols like this yet. We have them on fortification duty. I have no idea why they're entrusted with something important like that but I'm guessing it's due to a lack of combat engineers available.

The new recruits are so young, barely older than 7 years old, but they have undying loyalty to serve the army. I remember when I was like that over 11 years ago, it's what the higher ups want from a soldier, no surprise in that. Once they have their first battle though I doubt they'll be as enthusiastic about this entire thing.

Have they ever killed another dragon? Do they want to kill another dragon? Do they know what it's like to kill another dragon? I'm not proud nor ashamed to admit that I've killed 27 dragons in my time of service. Might not sound like a lot but it's not always constant action, it's mostly just waiting around camp just to get the same orders over, over, and over again.

The sun is finally setting down, so I'll wrap up this personal note. No IceWings but I think I've seen a lone SeaWing around here somewhere. Must have lost them. Perhaps a scout for a larger SeaWing force?

They're definitely not going to like this report. 

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