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During tough times we have to adopt changes in order to tackle with that

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During tough times we have to adopt changes in order to tackle with that. That change can be change of approach or change of mindset or change of place even.

When Subhadra was going the toughness of dejection she got an invitation from her grandmother Trishika. Trishika had asked Subhadra to visit Mayapuri for a few days. Subhadra also needed a change of air. So, she got agreed.

The mission of uniting Aryavrat was almost on the verge of completion. So, Subhadra had an opportunity to visit Mayapuri. Seeking permission from her family she departed for Mayapuri.

Subhadra was received with utmost love and affection at Mayapuri. After all, she had come there for the first time after marriage. She felt herself relaxed.

On one casual day Trishika came up with a story for Subhadra. That was the story of her birth.

"Everyone has a reason on this earth. With the passage of time he or she comes to know that reason. So, now I am going to reveal the reason of your birth," Trishika had given a strong build up before her narration.

"What was the reason of my birth?" Subhadra's curiosity was ignited till then.

"You should ask what's the reason of your birth, because the mission of your birth is yet to be accomplished," Trishika's cunning smirk wasn't figured out by Subhadra as she was so engrossed in Trishika's words.

"Then do tell me, Pitamahi. You have my attention," Subhadra wasn't told about the reason of her birth ever. Even she didn't know that her birth had a specific reason.

"The combination of a wish and necessity is the reason of your birth. Your biological parents wished a daughter, and we needed someone who would lead our ancestors towards salvation," Trishika led Subhadra to the days when the foundation of her birth was laid down.

"Your foster parents had done hard penance for getting you. At the end of penance they were informed that a virtuous girl who was going to born to Yadav king Vasudev would fulfill their wish," Trishika narrated ahead.

"How did my foster parents get me from my biological parents?" It was relevant question at that time.

"Your biological parents had divine order to hand you over to your foster parents. Obeying that order your biological parents had given you to us," Trishika replied.

"Didn't our ancestors get salvation till now? What should I do for their salvation?" The sudden thought of ancestors of demons suffering without salvation struck to Subhadra's mind.

"They had attained salvation on your sixteenth birthday," Trishika smiled, victoriously.

"But, how?" Subhadra was surprised, because according to her she hadn't done anything for freeing them.

"I had take you to Lord Pataleswar on your sixteenth birthday, and you had prayed him for solace of our ancestors. Granting your wish Lord Pataleswar had graced salvation to our ancestors who had been wandering since long," Trishika reminded that day to Subhadra.

"Then why did you tell that the mission of my birth is yet to be fulfilled?" One more relevant question was raised by Subhadra.

"Your birth is meant for wellbeing of demons. So, you have to face the current challenge against demons' wellbeing," according to Trishika Pandav brothers' mission wasn't favourable for demons.

"Are you referring about uniting Aryavrat under jyeshth's morals?" Even though Trishika's indication was well understood by Subhadra yet she chose to confirm.

"Yes, that was my reference. Humans have a well reserved attitude towards demons since ages, and that was dislike and detest. Humans had monopoly over their land, over earth. Whether being united with humans will suit the wellbeing of demons or not will be decided by you," Trishika had wrapped her hatred for humans up in her words.

"You are the heir of Mayapuri. So, you have all rights over this decision, and it shall be decided by you only," concluding the conversation of making Subhadra emotional, Trishika was waiting for her desired reply from Subhadra.

"As your wish, Pitamahi. I promise, I won't disappoint you," Subhadra said the exact words Trishika wished.

Trishika was getting elated thinking about the future from her point of view.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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