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A warrior evolves and learns to adapt or perish. Standing idle and being content with what they have achieved is not something that inherits their mind. They thrive in ascending to levels not imaginable and destroy barriers not meant to be shattered into dust. Their quest to reach it is endless. Never the less, they will not stop.

A human colony ship with thousands escape the civil wars of their own kind. Lead by three known as the leading them is Hakan Ragnulf, a well renowned soldier known for his brutal nature and a high level fighter who has fought the best in the galaxy.

In their travels they come to a single habitable world that orbits a grey sun and seventeen moons orbiting it along with an asteroid ring. A perfect defense to keep outsiders from getting in. The planet that becomes known as Heilagr is quite unique.

Hakan journey on the surface of the planet to explore. In the center is a massive mountain that ascends far beyond the clouds. At the summit something shines It is a clear crystal that glows with silver energy. He makes the climb, fascinated by the object. On it is an unknown dialect that he could not read.

Dark skies will blanket our enemies. Fear will take hold of them as they watch lightning cracking the surface. The soil beneath them will open as fire erupts. They will see our eyes and see no fear. We will not bow to others, for we are mighty. Follow the values of a true warrior race. KNOWLEDGE is your greatest weapon. Maintain DISCIPLINE when your enemy will try to break you mentally. Uphold TRUST in your kin. Be LOYAL to them and they shall do the same. Show that HONOR keeps our resolve strong. RESPECT your enemy even when they give none to you. Be BRAVE when it seems all is lost. Keep to this code, and when your time ends as it does for all, you will be immortal.

He repeats the oath and feels the immense power flowing through them. All of them become an evolved human race known as the Iver. They emerge with unique physical changes. First is their skin becoming emerald green with a silver star on the back of their neck. On their right arm, silver lines appear in rows of four. One line represents a year of life for them. The last change is in their eyes. They have black for the iris, and a thin golden pupil that is vertical like a serpent.

The physical appearance is only a small fragment of what the new colonists inherit. Their capabilities far exceeded that of any normal human as they become stronger, faster, and more durable. Diseases they become immune to. The ability to live longer by several hundred years and maintain their youth is another benefit. Lastly they discover the use of mystical abilities in the forms of illusion, destruction, and summoning.

Heilagr becomes known as the sacred mother to the Iver. She sees the heroism of Hakan the gift of immortality so they can continue protecting the people.

As the years go by, they build their capital named Ingeborg around the mountain known as Gro. Settlements are created all over with the help from what the nature of their new home provides, relying little as possible on high levels of technology to do things for them.

Eventually Hakan would go off in search of a worthy foe that can rival him in combat. Those of his bloodline remained and would continue leading the Iver while starting a family of their own. Others would also venture off in search of a new life.

Many traditions begin for the Iver. Upon their fifth year of life they are required to train three hours a day and six hours of education until fifteen years of age. After it is required they conduct military service for five years in the Iver defensive reserves. A way to teach proper values to young minds while acquiring education at the same time.

By the twentieth year of life a Iver is given the option to stay in the military full time or get out. Most end up staying and acquiring expert knowledge in certain fields to be a high values asset. The greatest among them is a special forces group known as the Silver Nova Corps. Unlike other areas of the Krigare military, it is considered the longest type of training that is completed after five years.

With the Iver's growth in popularity around the galaxy, many become envious of their power. Alliances are forged and campaigns are created to conquer them. The Iver do their best to repel the enemy, but are slowly pushed back.

As they are cornered, and on the brink of defeat, Hakan arrives with a powerful ship known as the Storm Rider that has the ability to devastate entire fleets without even a scratch. He shows how immensely powerful he has become in his absence. The sight terrifies their enemies and they regroup.

Hakan convinces his kin their enemies will not stop and they wage war on them. For years the Iver go on the offensive until the enemies yield. Even when their foes are defeated, Hakan desires to continue showing the might of the Iver. As the most powerful among them, his own people feared what would happen if they went against his ways. It becomes clear to his people that he must be stopped.

During a campaign against an already battered enemy, one Krigare clan known as the Ragnulgs put their plans into action. On the icy snow planet of Noldine, his family coordinate with their enemies. Hakan leads a full frontal assault on the city while the fleets roam in orbit. On board The Storm Rider, Hakan's bloodline unleashes a devastating barrage with ships that were once their enemies on the planet where Hakan fought.

With their demise, the Ragnulf clan and orders them to seize all attacks. It did not come without warning. The Ragnulf clan swore if any outsiders attempted to attack their home-world again, they would not be responsible for the fates that await them. Fearing their words, none have dared to attack Heilagr.

With the war over, the Iver return back to their home and live peaceful lives. That does not prevent them from staying strong in case any enemies try to provoke them.

The Burning Storm- Book 1- EvolutionWhere stories live. Discover now