Chapter 7

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Jaebeom was glancing over at Seulgi from time to time while he was driving towards their destination. He wanted to start a conversation with her, but he didn't know what to talk about. He felt so happy to have her besides him, but she didn't look quite the same.

Seulgi: "Can you please stop looking at me and focus on the road."

Jaebeom was caught off guard and followed her orders.

Couple of minutes later they arrived at a coffee shop not too far from Jennie's house. They get down and find a table for them. Jaebeom was looking around the shop while patting his thighs out of nervousness. He decided to break the ice and start a conversation.

Jaebeom: "So... h-how have you been?"

Seulgi: "I'm fine."

Seulgi says with a cold tone.

'She really hates me.'

Jaebeom: "How's work doing?"

Seulgi: "It's fine."

Jaebeom: "Ah... o-ok."

They stayed silent for a few minutes, but Jaebeom really wanted to talk to her so he tried to put up a a conversation between them again, but he was shut down immediately.

Jaebeom: "Seul please."

Seulgi: "Don't call me that!"

Jaebeom: "Ok ok I'm sorry. I just want to talk with you."

Seulgi: "There's nothing to talk about."

Jaebeom: "Seulgi..."

Seulgi: "What do you want me to say?"

Jaebeom: "Look, I know I'm in no position to ask for forgiveness, but Seul..."

Seulgi: "Seulgi."

Jaebeom: "Seulgi. I know I hurt you a lot and I'm truly ashamed, but please, give me a chance to show you I'm a changed man now."

Seulgi laughs sarcastically.

Seulgi: "I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this."

she stands up and heads outside with Jaebeom following her.

Jaebeom: "Seulgi! I'm sorry! Please listen to me. I want to make it up to you! Seulgi please-"

She continued to walk away from him, but he quickly held her arm to hold her back. She faced him with an angered look and lashed out on him.

Seulgi: "I CAN'T JAEBEOM!I'm hurt ok! I can't just forgive you so easily when every time I look at you all I remember is what you did to me! You hurt me Jaebeom and you hurt the most important thing to me and that I can't forgive!"

Seulgi was aboout to runaway, but Jaebeom held her wrist.

Jaebeom: "Then let me demonstrate you how ashamed I am!! I promise I changed!! I'm not that old Jaebeom who was immature and didn't realize how much of an asshole he was!! And definitely took for granted the beautiful and amazing woman he had by his side and now he's been paying the price all these years!! Please Seul, let me make it up to you and show you how much I love you."

She just kept looking down. There as this silence between us for almost a minute before she broke it.

Seulgi: "I-I'm not ready J-Jaebeom."

Jaebeom: "Then I'll wait for you! I'll do anything! Please..."

They stayed silent for a few seconds before Seulgi sighed.

Seulgi: "Fine."

Jaebeom started jumping from the happiness he felt in that moment.

Jaebeom: "SHE SAID YESSS!!!"

Seulgi: "Jaebeom! Tone it down!"

Jaebeom: "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment!! God I'm so happy right now!!"

An elderly couple walked by them and smiled at them.

???: "Congratulations!"

Jaebeom and Seulgi look at them.

Jaebeom: "What?"

???: "On your marriage."

Seulgi and Jaebeom's eyes widen and quickly deny.

Jaebeom: "No no no! W-we're not g-getting married! I-I I was j-just-"

The elderly couple laughed and left them.

He looked over to Seulgi panicked, but he just found her laughing.

That beautiful laughter he missed so much. He's so excited he wants to hug her, but he knows that'll be too much and he doesn't want to ruin this moment between them

Seulgi: "You're crazy!"

Jaebeom smiles. He knows he has a chance.

Seulgi: "Let's go."
They make it to Jennie's house and Jaebeom parks in front. They stay silent for a few seconds. Seulgi was about to get down when she looked over at Jaebeom and told him something that made his heart flip.

Seulgi: "I actually... enjoyed it. Thank you."

Jaebeom: "I-I'm g-glad you liked it."

Seulgi was about to close the car door when Jaebeom called her out.

Jaebeom: "Seulgi! D-do you have something this Saturday?"

Seulgi thinks about it for a sec.

Seulgi: "I don't think I do."

Jaebeom: "Would you like to... uhh... m-maybe go out for-for lunch?"

Seulgi chuckles.

Seulgi: "Sure."

Jaebeom: "Thank you!! I-I m-mean uhh T-that's great! At 12:30pm??"

Seulgi laughs.

Seulgi: "Ok."

Jaebeom: "Great! I'll pick you up!"

Seulgi closed the car door and headed inside. Jaebeom kept staring at the door for a few minutes. He felt like he was floating. He was so overjoyed right now he just kept smiling. He could not wait for this Saturday to come already.

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