25. Daddy

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It's Friday, and after sleeping in for half of the day, I woke up to find Aristide on a terse phone call in the living room, breakfast-or rather, lunch-laid out on a table and his gaze telling me to eat. I promptly shuffled to the breakfast counter and made quick work of the eggs and waffles while listening to him speak harsh Italian to some poor soul.

After eating, I completed some assignments while eavesdropping on the little I could understand of his conversation. Not that he even tried to hide it since he didn't bother going to his office. But after a few hours of reading through archival records and categorizing them by importance, it was time to make my escape.

Still preoccupied with business on his phone and laptop, I figured he wouldn't notice if I were to slip inside the room and out of the apartment. Of course, I was simply being delusional because as soon as I got up with my binder in my arms, his sharp gaze settled on me in silent question.

Fifteen minutes later, I was in his car as we drove toward the other side of the town in complete silence, his entire face closed off while I did my best to ignore his mood and get excited to party with my new friends.

"What are you wearing?" He'd broken the silence to ask, his eyes never leaving the road. "You didn't take anything."

"Amara said she'll let me borrow something."

"You have the card I gave you, Seraphina." He'd glanced at me, eyes hard. "Use it."

I wanted to tell him that it felt wrong to use money I hadn't earned or deserved, but his entire demeanor told me it wasn't time to argue. So I just kept quiet and hoped he wouldn't turn the car around and forbid me from going to the party. I could practically feel him forcing himself not to do just that.

Thankfully, we got to Amara's house without any detours, and for a minute we just sat there. I looked at the Weston's nicely trimmed grass while I felt Aristide looking at me. After another beat, he turned my chin so we were face-to-face.

"Better be good, mia cara."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure."

"I'm serious." His thumb stroked my lips and he leaned closer. "Remember what I said about who gets to touch you, yeah?"

"Yes." I sounded breathless despite how much I tried not to, and with a smirk, he kissed the hardheadedness out of me until I became putty in his hands.

He leaned back, looking murderous once again. "Now go before I decide that you'll be missing the party."

Immediately, I jumped out of the car, waving at him briefly before walking as steadily as I could to the front door and ringing the bell. He remained parked by the curb, the heat of his gaze trailing down my back until Amara ushered me inside her warm home.

Now, several hours later, with my hair slicked to glory, light makeup expertly applied, and a very mini skirt donned, I feel like a version of myself I have yet to meet. I'm still testing out how I feel about her, and following slowly behind Amara as we file out of her room, I mentally remind myself not to bend over for any reason at all while at the party.

"Apparently, the house is already packed." Amara's reading something on her phone. "Ty says we missed a guy stripping naked and running through the backyard."

I frown. "So glad we did."

She laughs and shakes her head, hiking her small purse on her shoulder so she can type out a response to her friend. "Jaya and Ro won't be."

The two in question are already out in the car. They got tired of waiting for Amara to finish getting ready, so after helping me with my hair and makeup and reorganizing things around Amara's room just to annoy her while she debated out loud what to wear, Jaya pushed an article of clothing in her hands then claimed she'll be waiting in the car. Rochelle patted Amara's and my head before doing the same.

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