IrlTrevor had messaged me later that day if we should tell people that we have broken up because people were already think we where. After we told everyone both of our phones blew up from news and fan accounts talking about our break up.
I'm still in the hospital I'm not sure when I get to leave but I want to feel the comfort in my own bed.
My mom had gone out to get me food, not from the hospital thank god.
Trevor had messaged me asking if I was okay, at some point I thought it was strange because we did break up but he's just being caring.
He did get me this room as well so I am quite grateful for it.
I kind of wish he was here right now, but oh well.
Alex had FaceTimed me asking if I was okay and seeing if I needed anything shipped in and I said no.
Nicole had came but all she did was laugh at her phone and I know who's she messaging. Later she had to leave for work.
My boss messaged me that she has news for me and she's happy that I'm okay.