twenty - five

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We are chilling at the summer house today since Ari and her friend Nicole are coming today, Luke doesn't know that the girls are coming. I'm excited to see Ari I don't care if she isn't mine and how many boys she has in her comments section, I'm excited. I feel like my heart is going to pop out of my chest, when anyone says her name or when I think about her.

I'm chilling on the sun beds with Jack while the others are in the pool and Quinn is staring the barbecue, Ellen and Jim are here but they are going on a little vacation in two days. Ariella is going to be excited she loves Ellen.

I'm not sure when they arrive but Alex told me that they just landed and they have to wait on their luggage then it takes about thirty minutes from the airport, maybe an hour longest.

"Yo Trevor guess who I saw yesterday" Luke pipes up.

"Who?" I ask.

"Nick" ew.

"What Ariella's ex?" I question.

"No st. Nicholas" I roll my eyes "yes Ariella's ex".

"Did he say anything?" Cole asks.

"No he just barged into me then scoffed acting like it was my fault" Luke sits on me.

"Move" I push him off "sit on someone else".

I'm going to talk to Ariella hopefully this summer just to talk about what had happened a couple of months ago. I know we broke up but I just told her to go and leave and she did, I regret it so much I can't believe I let my Ella go. I always told myself that I'm a fucking jack ass for letting her leave, I know I was and I still know I am.

I just need my girl back.

"Sup bitches!" Ariella's voice burst through the door.

"What the fuck" Luke's head turns around "Nicole holy shit" he jumps up.

Luke walks over to them and Jack starts laughing as he hugs Nicole.

"Jack" Ariella hugs Jack.

"Hi Ari" he hugs her back.

"Hey Trev" she smiles showing her dimples. My smile, my dimples, my girl.

"Hey ells" I smile back.

"Jack come here!" Luke shouts.

He's still with Nicole making her laugh.

Jack runs over to the two.

"Can I hug you?" She asks.

"You don't need to ask ells" I pull her into a hug.

"I know shit has happened and I don't want it to ruin this summer" she pulls apart looking into my eyes "I just wanna talk".

"Of course me too" I say.

"Good good" she smiles "come meet Nicole".

She walks over to Nicole who's speaking to Jack.

"Nicole this is Trevor" she introduces me.

Forever infinity - Trevor Zegras (2)Where stories live. Discover now