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Bad Cop was walking through the living room, (thinking to find Benny watching TV or something.) To his surprise he found Benny drawing on the couch.

Bad Cop walked over and leaned in to see the astronaut drawing a spaceship that looked like...the super secret police? 

"what- Benny what are you doing?" Benny turned his head to see Bad Cop close to him, too close.

"Oh Bad Cop! I'm planning to make a spaceship similar to police cars!" and before Bad Cop could realize it, Benny was rambling like he would be. 

Good Cop suddenly came out. "shhh." Good Cop put a finger over Benny's mouth. "Ben, wasn't that spaceship the one that won at the EmmetAwards?" he removed his hand.

"Yes it is! Well... almost? I took it more as a reference.." Good Cop sat next to Benny as he listened to him. "I liked hes creativity to build something like that!"

Benny snuggled up to Good Cop earning a laugh. ""It's going to be able to fire lasers, I think it could make it go faster than my spaceship and have a bigger cabin." Benny continued detailing things with his pencil.

Good Cop put his arm around Benny's shoulders. Benny didn't take long to ask the next thing.Would you like to build it with me tomorrow?" ""Of course, as long as you give me free hugs and kisses." Good Cop smiled when he saw Benny's adorable smile. "You guys never get tired, right?". Good Cop shook his head with a goofy smile.

The astronaut pulled Good Cop into a kiss, but Bad Cop got out just in time.

("Wh-What Hey! Bad! that was my kiss!") Good Cop complained about the theft. ("Well now it's mine.") Benny brought Bad Cop closer. ("next time I'll steal your kiss too!") Good Cop tries to frown but can't do it like Bad Cop does.

("try it") Bad Cop responded mentally before pulling away from the kiss. "I promise to build with you tomorrow, in the afternoon I'm free from work" Bad Cop got up from the couch. Benny continued with the drawing of him almost completely finished.

"I love you cops"

"we love you too Benny"


AAAAA I would like to make it longer but I don't have timeeee

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