Enzo- Tea

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You were best friends with Damon and Alaric's younger sister so you often had to compete for your friendship and Damon loved it.

Ever since you came back from your mission with Elijah and Klaus you'd found alot had changed. A few people were vampires and others dead. While it took you a few nights to get used to it, there was something you knew you probably wouldn't any time soon.

After 3 nights back at home in your bed you heard a loud knock on the door. It was only you, your brother, Stefan and Damon home but none of them were willing to disturb their sleep so you made your way to the door.

You saw the dimples first and then you heard the accent
"Hello Love, can I help you?"
You find yourself facing a man with jet black hair and a handsome face.

"Umm sorry? Who are you?"

"They call me Enzo, but you can call me yours" he walks past you into the hallway and you turn in astonishment "and you are?" He asks

"Y/N, and wherever you picked that line up from, please take it back".


You found yourself often arguing with him, over petty things most of the time of course. He thought you were gorgeous and your energy matched his so well. Even though he claimed you were annoying and terrible at jokes, you both knew he was lying.

"Hey Salvatore" you threw a cushion at Damon "why were you giggling earlier?" He knew exactly what you were referring to.

The night before, Kai had stopped by to try get you all to convince Bonnie for forgiveness but when you implied you wouldn't, he threw Damons bourbon everywhere and after he left, the Salvatore brothers started fighting so now, instead of Stefan, you were stuck on cleaning duty with Damon.

"First off I don't giggle, It was a smirk. There's a difference. Second, isn't it obvious? I know you're slow but I honestly thought you would've picked it up by now" he says, sweeping up shards of glass.

"What? Me and Enzo were arguing about you anyway, so the conversation definitely wasn't that deep"

"Wow I'm so hurt. So let me get this straight, you don't realise that Enzo has a crush on you?"

You were stunned to speak
"On- on me?"

"No, on me" he says sarcastically then accidentally cuts himself with the glass "the fact even i saw that coming really shows how slow you are"

You never thought Enzo would like you, you always fought and argued, he was definitely attractive, he was funny even though you didn't like to admit it, he always stuck up for you infront of others but you liked to focus on your own disputes.

You talked with Damon for a while on what to do, you couldn't just go back to normal with him now because you know you'd get awkward or if you ignore him then he'd know something's up. Damon advised you ask him about it after many sarcastic responses.

You didn't like to beat around the bush so you did, or you at least intended to. When Enzo came back to the Salvatore boarding house at night you offered to make him some coffee.

"I don't know love, it's a bit late for that, could do with some tea though. And by tea I mean British tea, not that crap Americans make with the whole microwaved water" he made a disgusted face.

"Why don't you just come help me yourself then?"

He shrugged okay, then got up to help you in the kitchen.

"Right so here's what you do, put the sugar and tea bag in the tea-mug" you did what he said "now put the water in the kettle to boil"


"Oh come on love, you must know what a kettle is"

"No I mean there's no kettle"

You watched Enzo's despair, he'd never looked so disgusted in his life
"So we can have boxes of bloody blood bags but you can't get a bloody kettle around here" he sighs

"How about we go get one, like a takeout?"

He agreed, and drove you to the nearest café, it was pretty empty with the exception of a few sad souls who looked like they just had their hearts broken.

You tried to hide a smile as you watched Enzo close his eyes in satisfaction after sipping his tea

He caught your stare and couldn't help but smile himself "what?"


He continued to have his tea whilst you stared down at yours
"Enzo do you like me?" You blurted out

You were afraid he would spit his drink back out, possibly on you, but he slowly lowered his cup

"Ahah, weren't you the one staring daydreamingly at me just a second ago?"

"Sorry, I don't know why I said that, you know what its getting late, Ric's probably wondering where I am and-" you shuffle to collect yourself

"Wait don't you want to know my answer?"

You said nothing

He got up and escorted you back to the car, before he opened the door he looked at you with his hunters-brown eyes

"I don't like you Y/N, and I'm sorry if I made you feel that way"

Your face went red from embarrassment, Damon the little freak was going to pay.

"Oh, um, I, huh, well that's okay I didn't really expect- i just heard from Damon"

As soon as he heard Damon's name he raised his eyebrows with understanding and a slight flush of frustration

"Well, I don't really like you Y/N, and I think you deserve to know why before you go home tonight. You're selfish. You're so selfish and ignorant and blind and so prideful" you're a bit taken aback from that so he pounces on the moment to justify
"but yet so bloody humble, you can't even see what's right in front of you, what I've been trying to hint at you, what you did to me is something I'll never get over. You did something Augustine never could. You stole my heart, love. And I tried fighting every day to steal it back but obviously it never worked, so I realised" he finally took a breath and stroked a piece of fallen strand of hair out of your face "that the only way out of it is to steal yours too. How could you kill a dead man? Certainly a stake, yes, but you Y/N, you've taken my heart and thats why I could never like you. Because you already have all my love"

You held it in for the entire speech because he looked like he really needed to vent that out of his system, you grabbed the back of his hair and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Now you have mine" you smile into it.

You both got in the car soon after, you decided to drive straight back to boarding house

"I thought your brother wanted you home?"

"Ric can wait, but I cannot"

You both owned the night and by sunrise when you came back downstairs you had realised Damon looked sleepless after he stared at you like you were his next victim.

"Damon, I didn't know you were awake-"

"You couldn't have gone back to your own house for that?!" he gritted loudly through sharp teeth, before yelling "I HAVE VAMPIRE HEARING REMEMBER!!"

Just on time Enzo vamp sped down to grab you to save you from Damon's wrath as you both couldn't stop laughing, well that was until he dropped you in shock after Ric caught you.

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