Klaus- Touch of Vitality

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You have a sort of love-hate friendship with Klaus after he jumped into your brother Alaric's body again.
You hated that he chose your brother to use out of everyone, and were quite hostile toward him at first. But after the upcoming weeks, he became quite useful and you had gotten used to his company. You had both been trying to look for a witch to get him back into his normal body but you couldn't find one powerful enough, Bonnie Bennet was your only local hope but she didn't have her magic anymore, so you settled with the terms that Klaus would be in Alaric's body longer than intended.

"Y/N I think I've found a witch"
Your eyes lit up with an adrenaline shot of hope for getting your brother back and you speed to the front door.

Your happiness shattered after Klaus lifted up a witch ornament he found laying around from last Halloween.
"Oh you thought I meant a witch like that? My bad" he laughs knowing what he just did

You slam the door on him and return to your jigsaw puzzle.

"Well that wasn't rude at all" he walks back in

"Klaus your jokes need to know their limits"

You started a thing where you'd greet eachother, quoting yourselves when he first went into Alaric's body:

"Klaus? No It's me, Alaric, just with a touch more vitality"

"Vitality? More like a touch of obnoxiousness"

He sits on the floor and joins you for jigsaw next to the fireplace, you share the cupcakes he brought and drank tea.


You couldn't find the last piece and even Klaus stood helping search for it.

"Honestly Y/N if I was in my own body I'd have probably found it by now, your brother's eyesight is quite concerning"

You let out a small chuckle "what am I gonna do when you go back to your own body?" You ask to yourself

"Well, first you'll cry but then realise I'm not actually dead and then we make out. No strings attached."

"First off, you are technically dead. Second, ew. You need to remind yourself that all your waffle is coming out of my brother's mouth not yours, so please stop talking. Third, if I was to make out with an original let's be honest, it'd probably be Elijah. He's way more hotter under all those layers of-"

"Alright, alright you can stop there i can take a hint" he says then slowly passes you toward the door "doesn't mean i won't stop trying" he whispers then leaves as you cringe seeing that he forgot who's voice he was using again.


You decide to catch up on your journaling in the next few weeks until you receive a certain phone call. Within moments you're at the hospital after hearing the call about your mother's crash. She was on her last moments and there was nothing you could do about it. When she died your heart broke into a million little shattered pieces, slowly piercing at your every breath. You couldn't breathe or think or let out anything but rivers of tears that no one was there to stop flowing. All of your family were either dead or absent from your life. You didn't even have your brother now. You're on your own, kid.


"Klaus!" you burst open the doors, knowing he'd be there "give him back. Give me my brother, right now, give me Ric"

"Wow, Y/N, calm down, you definitely had too much to drink-"

"Shut up and give me my brother, Klaus. Give me Alaric, I want you to find yourself a witch right now and get out of his body! I don't care if it's the last thing you do, just do it okay, because if you don't, I'll- I'll" you slow down as you begin to stutter, lip trembling in fear and sadness as Klaus looks at you in the eyes, this time with concern

"Just please do it. My mother's just died and I really need my big brother right now" you say shaking and weak.

Klaus, who's never seen you in a more vulnerable state, had found a witch within moments, who apparently he'd had contact with for the past few weeks without you knowing.


The next few days were full of tears and emotion. You honestly hadn't any real friends that you were still in touch with, there were Ric's friends of course, despite that most were his ex-students, but you felt extremely lonely in this time.

People had been visiting your house all week and you were exhausted, the funeral tommorow was going to top all that depression so you had to stay up late to write the eulogy.

Alaric was asleep on the sofa, not wanting to wake him, you quietly make your way into the kitchen where your soul almost left your body by the frightening sight of Klaus standing awkwardly in your kitchen.


"Y/N" he says through puppy eyes "I just came by to see how you were doing, we haven't really talked since that night"

"You came so late"

"I know, and I'm sorry, but if I'm honest I just didn't know what to say when I found you again."

"I meant late as in the time right now. You look back into the living room at Alaric fast asleep on the sofa "he's been working so hard to prepare for the funeral. I just wish he got more time with her." There was a moment silence

"I never got to say how sorry I am. First for your loss I give my family and I's condolences, I know what it's like to lose a mother, even under different circumstances. Mothers have this global sort of tendency to give that special kind of love and comfort like no other, so trust me when I say I understand"
he says, then carries on with a touch more sympathy
"and I really wanted to apologise for being such a crappy friend, if you ever considered me as one. If I was to tell you the truth, it would be that I did find a witch, but I wasn't ready to depart with Alaric just yet because, truthfully, I was having a great time in your company. So I hope you can forgive me for that, if I didn't maybe your brother could have been there for you right away. I know how foolish I am, but I really came to care for you Y/N so I understand if you can't forgive me-"

As he was talking he noticed you tearing up, you were understandably overwhelmed and before he could finnish, you wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder for a while and he allowed it.

You pull away to apologise but he still sees the vulnerability in you and holds your head against his chest this time, rubbing your arm and stroking the back of your hair to comfort you as you cry into his chest.

You didn't care about those things, you cared because he was there for you. He came to need you more than ever and you him, and allowed himself to fall as you let yourself unfold to him which he accepted honourably.


During the funeral service, you were handed a message so when it was over, you made your way to the backside of the church before people made their way out.

You see Klaus standing looking handsome in a black suit.


" no, 'It's me, Alaric, just with a touch more vitality'" he smirks

"Vitality? More like a touch of obnoxiousness" you laugh and greet him with a hug.

"Your speech was quite moving, almost brought tears to my eyes"

"You were there for my speech? I wasn't even sure if you'd make it today, assuming you had some plots or plans to attend to"

Klaus smiled at you "I always cancel my plans when you call, love"

You slightly blush at the way he called you 'love' and he picks up on it.

He handed you a strange shaped object

"The missing piece? You found it!"

"I guess you could say i always had it" he looks wondourously into your eyes.

You get drown in his ocean gaze and he holds your cheek as he leans in to kiss you so delicately you could feel the nervousness through his warm lips. You saw a side to Klaus no one else has, and you knew what it was, he is in love.

Just then, masses of people leave the church to catch two lovers act awkward together and start clapping whereas your brothers rage was another story to deal with, but if you conquered Klaus Mikaelson, then that would be a piece of cake.

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