Tyler- Crush pt.2

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When you went home the next day, you found a delivery at your door, you opened it to find the prettiest dress you'd ever seen, it was classy, chic, and genuinely elegant. You read the card that came with it


I know you probably hate me for the last minute invite, so I thought you should have this- if you haven't found a dress already yet that is. Looking forward to see you tommorow night.

P.S. I know you're probably thinking I've got amazing dress sense but I had a bit of help from mom choosing this one out so if you don't like it blame her not me


You didn't go to school for about 3 days, mainly because you were hiding from embarrassment, and because no one would believe your wound healed that fast.

You avoided Tyler who you noticed kept looking at you from a distance with such sadness in his eyes. He wanted to ask if you were okay, he wanted to apologise, he wanted to tell you how much he likes you but he was too afraid of hurting you, emotionally and now physically. He hated that he had anger issues and if he'd only noticed you were there he would've stopped immediately. He hurt you, and he wasn't going to forgive himself.

You heard rumours that Tyler was planning on ditching the campaign party seeing as he only wanted to go with you but his parents set him up with their colleague's daughter who he practically ignored the entire time. He didn't want to be there, he wanted to drive to your house and wait there until you were ready to forgive him. He hated himself and couldn't stop thinking about it.

"You can't go there Y/N"

"But I need to return the dress"

"Someone else can do it for you"

"Like who?"

"I don't know, my schedule's really busy with cheer practice. Bonnie-"

"Sorry can't either, I've got some stuff I have to deal with Elena"

You sighed.

You finally turned up at the Lockwood's. For some reason the door was unscrewed then you realised it was getting engraved with their family crest.  You hated intruding but no one heard your calls, you awkwardly made your way to the living room and propped the dress onto the sofa.

You could hear people talking in another room and decided you should let them know you were hear.

The closer you got, the louder the voices became.

"...I'm not suprised you don't want to be mayor, especially after that incident you pulled that evening with the Gilbert's boy, and then hurting your own date, what more could i expect from you. You're pathetic and a failure and I'm ashamed to call you my son"


"No mom he's right and I agree, I have no future, I don't know what I'm doing with my life but I know for sure I'm not gonna be mayor"

"See that's the thing son, you don't know anything. You have no respect for family tradition and sure as hell have no respect for family"

"You're one to talk"
You heard the sudden sound of a slap which was followed by the gasps of a lady

"Richard that's enough! He is your son!"

"He may be my son but he's not my boy"

You could hear Tyler's voice begin to tremble with emotion but then overrided it with anger "Well you can be the perfect husband, the mayor, the so called 'hero' of this town, but you sure as hell aren't my hero and you may be my father but you've never once been my dad" and with that you hear a door slammed shut, you assumed it was the ones on the other side of the room

"Now look what you've done. Tyler honey come back, your father didn't mean it, it was all out of anger"

"Carol you don't need to speak for me"

You immediately escaped from there and searched for Tyler after you heard the engine to his car.

You called Matt who said he wasn't with him, none of your friends had seen him but you didn't want to tell them why.

You finally gave up and decided to go home and that's when you saw him on your doorstep looking as if he'd been through hell but as you approached he quickly rid that front and replaced it with a much more sincere one.

"Y/N, I don't know how to say this better so I'm just gonna start off with I'm-"

You jumped on to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him close in comfort
"I'm so so sorry, I didn't know what you were going through, I didn't know anything. I was so quick to judge- i- I shouldn't have been so ignorant"

Tyler was so confused until you admitted that you heard the conversation he had with his parents earlier. He seemed unphased when referring to it where others would most likely break down. He was used to it and you hated that for him.

He hugged you back for a while not wanting to let go. He loved your compassion, one of the many things that made him fall for you.

"Y/N I'm just sorry about everything that happened, I wanted to come sooner to apologise and bring at least flowers and chocolates or something but I was too scared, I didn't want to hurt you more if I just showed up like that unannounced. And your probably thinking then why am I doing it right now, well I don't actually know. But all I want is you to give me another chance"

You saw so much sadness in his eyes but you also saw compassion and vulnerability. "I forgive you Ty, just please don't start fighting again"

"Not that it'll change anything, but the only reason we fought was because Jeremy tried threatening to tell you about Vicki after he'd seen me flirting with you, I don't know if he got jealous or what, but if you do have any questions about it then just ask I won't try hiding it"

"It's alright i don't need to know"
He smiled
"Yeh that's cause Caroline tells you everything anyway" you both laugh

"So can I take you up on that date then? Tommorow night, I've actually found the perfect dress"

"I don't know I've got math homework"

"Tyler Lockwood when do you ever do your homework anyway"

"Kidding, alright but I don't wanna talk about all this stuff, just me and you"

"Just me, you and Jeremy" Tyler raises his eyebrow and you chuckle "kidding"

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