Really Weird Good Friend

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I was ready for bed, so I began climbing next to Jack, who was already lying down and basically asleep. I moved the blankets slightly before I slid in and laid down, then closed my eyes. I laid there silently for a bit until I heard a window open, I opened my eyes and looked over to see someone slowly crawling through the window, I didn't recognize them at all, not even in passing. They fell from the window and crashed onto the kitchen counter, knocking a bunch of shit off it, I heard a really mucusy laugh as they began slowly getting up, I heard Jack sigh beside me.

"Eddie, shut up!" Jack complained.

The dude fell silent as he stared at us.

"God, man. You literally suck." Jack complained, "I don't get enough sleep during the day! At least let me rest at night!"

"Hey, man!" He got all buddy-buddy as he came over to us, "It's been forever, man! Really, I missed ya!"

"Shut it!" Jack growled.

"Aw! Look at you!" He grabbed Jack's face, "All soft and squishy and bitey."

Jack snarled as he moved his head toward Eddie, who squealed and moved away.

"No! Bad Jack! No bitting!" He pointed at his face, "Aw! You're so cute when you're bitey!"

Jack sighed as he turned away a bit, I finally got a good look at Eddie to see he was wearing a full gas mask, he was wearing some sort of button-up peacoat and gloves.

"I wanna sleep!" Jack complained, "Shut up..."

"Oh, right! Righty-o! Right-a-rino! Righty-tighty-o!" He started going on, "Right-and-left? Right-a-thon! Right-and-wrong! Right-in-the-kisser!"

Jack grabbed a pillow and hit him in the face, causing him to fall backward and lay on the floor.

"What's that right-word I'm looking for?" He asked, "I can't remember."

"Go to bed." Jack complained, "I fucking swear..."

"Oh! It's night!" Eddie spoke up, "Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going." He stood up.

He suddenly began climbing over Jack trying to get into bed, but I was there, so I tried to move away so he wouldn't hurt me. Before he was able to get onto the bed far enough he began squealing in fear. I realized quickly that Jack was biting his thigh. Eddie finally moved off the bed and gripped his thigh.

"Owie!" He complained, "My knee!"

"That's not a knee." Jack pointed out.

"Oh yeah." Eddie let his thigh go, "Owie!" He grabbed it again.

Jack groaned in annoyance, Eddie began trying to climb onto the bed again and I moved away more, getting a little more annoyed with him. Jack suddenly sat up and grabbed Eddie around the throat, he pulled him closer and growled in his face.

"I swear, if you don't leave right fucking now I'm going to throw you out the door!" Jack threatened.

"Nooo!" He whined, "If you send me out the door, Charlie will kill me!"

"I'll let him." Jack smiled.

"Noo! I'll stop! I'm sorry!" He replied, "I'll go, I'll go! Please!"

Jack let him go and laid back down, the train car door suddenly opened and I looked over to see Brian glaring at Eddie.

"Eddie, I fucking swear!" He complained softly, "Get off the fucking train!" He pointed.

"Yipe!" Eddie yelped.

He got up quickly and began scurrying his way out of the window again, and I could hear him hit the ground.

"Sorry." Jack apologized, "Dude's a dumbass."

"I know, it's fine." Brian said, "Next time, though, make him shut up sooner."

"Yeah." Jack agreed.

Brian closed the door, and I leaned over Jack slightly.

"Who w-was that?" I asked.

"That was Eddie, my best friend." He replied, "The one that used to be part of the Hellbounds, but was given to the Horrors later because of his craziness."

"Oh." I said, "I s-see."

I began getting comfortable again, now I knew who his friend was. I closed my eyes and began slowly dozing off.

"Time to get up."

I sat up quickly to see it was around dawn now and Eddie was standing in the middle of the room, Jack sighed from beside me.

"The circus needs to be put up." Eddie said, "Slen-dede said to get everyone up."

"Yeah, fucking got it, shut up." Jack complained, "God, I don't miss your incessant talking."

"Glad I still get on your nerves!" Eddie seemed proud.

Jack and I began getting out of bed, I was already fully dressed so I just began getting ready to go set up the circus. Eddie approached me and held out what looked to be a pill bottle.

"Take this." He said, "Make sure you take it every four hours if you don't wanna die."

I got really confused, but I took the bottle.

"Alright, I'm going to go help set up the tents." Eddie said, "See ya later, buddy!"

He went over to the window and began climbing out of it.

"What's up w-with him and w-windows?" I asked.

"There are three creatures that stalk him." Jack replied, "One, Charlie, guards doors and don't let him go through them at all, they're evil, apparently. The next is Edgar, he usually hides underneath objects and beds most of the time, I believe he just tells really bad jokes and keeps him up at night. The last is called Bright Eyes, but Eddie gives him a different female-heavy name every time I see him, Bright Eyes is his little puppy."

"Okay." I agreed, "W-What are th-these f-for?" I lifted the pill bottle.

"I don't know, entirely." He replied, "I know it's supposed to protect people from one of the acts, but I was mostly asleep it was explained to me last."

"Okay." I slipped the bottle into my pocket, "W-Why w-was Eddie wearing a g-gas m-mask?"

"When he worked with the Hellbounds, he went into the generator car and was in there when someone we gave away locked him inside as a prank, but he ended up being locked in there for most of the day and almost dying due to carbon monoxide." He explained, "After that, his mind got a little more fucked up and he lost himself more, as carbon monoxide poisoning can really change people. We're lucky he didn't die, but there were a lot of things that caused him lung issues, so he has to wear a gas mask to protect himself. Whenever he's changing or cleaning the filters on the mask he's on an air tank."

"Is th-that why he h-had to be given a-away?" I asked.

"Yeah, he was hard to handle after everything." Jack replied, "He's better than he was two years ago, and I assume it's because of Lost. I'm sure he's handled Eddie and got him in place quickly."

"So what's Lost's p-purpose for th-the Horrors?" He asked.

"He's the head of security." Jack replied, "He's also married to Disembodied, the woman who's covered in bandages, and the young man that's usually with them is their son Forevermore."

"Oh." I said, "Do they... have real n-names?"

"Disembodied's name is Rose, which is why we usually refer to Rose General as Rose General or just General. Lost's real name is Collin. And Forevermore's real name is Niko." He explained, "We usually just use their stage names because it's less confusing and Lost particularly prefers to stay Lost."

"O-Okay." I agreed.

As we began leaving I didn't say anything, I didn't really want to take the pills, so I was just going to hope I'd be alright. It didn't seem like Jack is taking any, so I should be fine, too.

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