The chain User

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We followed up that night with stealing all the merchandise and giving copies to the guests of the auction house. Chrollo gave everyone thier fortunes, so Feitan was right that he was probably stealing the Nostrade Daughter's ability. My fortune said this:

The calendar loses a precious component.
The remaining months gather to mourn.
The mourners play a melody
While the 11th moon quietly rises

The wolf joins the Spider to play.
At the loss of a full moon a half moon has risen.
Red stains the wolf but she conquers all.

Raven hair guides the golden eyes of a predator.
A magic trick proves troublesome
A chain of fate takes your home

A search is easy for the wolf
To reclaim what was taken from her
Scents are new but the wolf finds her mate through the garbage.

"Huh?" I asked as we all read ours. Just then a smell caught my nose. Hisoka. He was leaking bloodlust.
"Hisoka, let me see your fortune." Pakunoda said walking up to him.
"I wouldn't. It will give you quite a shock." He said with a grin. She took it anyway and then widened her eyes.
"Everyone listen!" She read off his fortune about him betraying the Spider because a sword of law. I looked at him and felt an animalistic character take over my features.
"Hisoka! Did you sell out Uvo!?" Nobunaga shouted his question, his hand gripping his sword tightly.
"I can't answer that but if you insist on fighting I have no choice but to defend myself." He said holding a deck of cards. A deep and dangerous growl ripped from my chest and I got ready to pounce.
"Tch. Your not worth my time." Nobunaga said but then turned and charged at him. When they were about to clash Nobunaga was sent to a different area of the base.
"Huh? Did Danchou do that?" A couple members asked. My skin had goosebumbs at the feeling come from Chrollo. He kept his book open and asked Hisoka a series of questions that Hisoka either didn't answer or lied through his teeth. A snarl ripped from my chest and I stood up. I wouldn't attack unless he lied to me.
"Hisoka." I said walking over to him.
"Usa. Calm down." Franklin said grabbing my arm.
"Oh. Such a scary look." Hisoka said only making me more angry. I ripped away from Franklin and moved quickly in front of Hisoka who's eyes widened.
"Do you have any idea how a liar smells?" I asked him with glowing golden eyes. His face turned serious for once.
"Because I do. And it smells exactly like you." I snarled not making a move to attack him yet.
"Either way. I won't take any chances. I'm staying right here until further notice." He said, his voice no longer husky but deep, his scent confirmed my suspicion. He was getting nervous now. I hit the nail on the head.
"If I find out you are lying about betraying Uvo with a blade pionted at your heart, I'll leave the Troupe just for the opportunity to hunt you down. The chain user is my prey and you are to. Just remember that. A predator always gets its prey. If for any reason I question you from now until we all separate again I won't hesitate to rip your fucking throat out." My aura surrounded my body as I talked and emphasized my threat. The room went silent as I called Hisoka out and his own aura leeked out from his body as well. It was dangerous and if I wasn't so mad I would have jumped back and taken care to stay away from him. But this was Uvo. Even if it cost me my life I would avenge him.
"Usadin." Chrollo cut through my anger like a knife and made me jump away from number 4 with a yelp. I looked at my boss with a sheepish grin before looking away from him and down.
"Let me see your prophecy." His voice was calm but I had a feeling he was actually pissed off I just threatened Hisoka. I handed him the crumpled up paper and watched his face as he read it. He was totally stoic. Che. Make it a little entertaining boss. He handed it back to me but it was taken out of my hand by Feitan who was towered over by Phinks. I glared at them but let them have their fun while I looked back at Hisoka. He was staring at the boss while the boss talked about what he thinks the prophecies mean. The Scarlet eyes, a Kurta surivor. Chains were his weapon and probably what trapped Uvo. Then he asked anyone if we had the Scarlet eyes from the auction which Korotopi confirmed. Feitan handed me back my paper when the boss asked us to find them. Phinks did and gave them to the small silver haired man who started looking for his copies. I thought that was kind of cool.
"Machi, Paku, Nobunaga, Shizuku, Kortopi. Let's go find the chain user. The rest stay here until further notice." Chrollo said standing from his stone. We all nodded and watched them leave. The rain was blocking me from keeping track of their scents so instead I sat down and red over my prophecy again.
"The top verse was on almost everyone else's too. Your gonna survive since you got 4 parts." Shalnark said sitting next to me.
"Yeah but some people are mentioned and that makes me nervous." I said quietly looking pointedly at Hisoka who was playing with his cards.
"Yeah. Right there." Feitan said and reached over my shoulder to point out the magic trick part. Shalnark nodded and looked down with concentration.
"The wolf joins the Spider to play. That's telling us that you joined the Troupe. At the loss of a full moon a half moon rises. That could mean how you replaced Uvo. Red stains the wolwolf but she conquers all. That could mean that you'll get into a fight and get really beat up but still survive. Raven hair guides the gold eyes of a predator. That could mean someone with black hair helps you calm down like what just happened a few minutes ago when Danchou stopped you from any more threats. Or it could be someone else helping you down the road. A magic trick proves troublesome. That could mean something Hisoka does puts you in in a tight spot. A chain of fate takes your home. We concluded that the chains have to do with the Kurta so maybe that has something to do with the members that could be dying soon. A search is easy for the wolf, and, to reclaim what was taken from her. That could mean lots of things, but it still has me stumped a little bit. What could you possibly lose that you'll be able to find? If it means us then you can't revive dead people so that doesn't make sense. The last one, scents are new but she finds her mate in the garbage. That could mean Meteor City and that you'll find a lover or a partner. That's what I gather from all of that." Shalnark said looking up from his concentrated spot. I was blinking stupidly at him and shared a look with Feitan that showed he was just as confused as me. Shalnark laughed and then ruffled my hair.
"You'll figure it out sooner or later." He stood up and walked away while Phinks was on his way over.
"Why do you look stupid?" He asked me with a smirk.
"Why do you still not have eyebrows?" I countered and dodged when he punched the rock I was just sitting on with Feitan. I chuckled when he picked up the pieces of rubble to throw them at me.
"You have to catch me first." I said sticking my tongue out and pulling my eye down. One whizzed by my head making me widen my eyes and dodge.
"Hey I wasn't ready!" I shouted after dodging a couple more.
"Brat! I'll teach you to keep making fun of me! I'm your partner!" He tried guilt tripping me but that only made me snort. I crouched and flew at him but disappeared right in front of him. Instead I landed on his back with my arms around his neck in a choke hold.
"That doesn't mean anything." I laughed. "I'm allowed to make fun of you then." I knew my chokehold wouldn't work on him since he was probably stronger than me but it didn't hurt to try.
"You think a conjurer can beat an enhancer in strength?" He laughed but didn't make a move to stop me. Instead he turned his head to look at me in his back.
"Didn't you learn better from when you got mad at Uvogin?" He asked me with a friendly smirk.
"Heh. He was also like 3 and a half feet taller than me." I said tightening my arms and he pretended to be choking and fell to the floor on his face jerking his body. I laughed and jumped off of him and over to where Feitan and Franklin stood watching our childishness. He was right behind me and slung his arm over my shoulder as we laughed. This was my family now. It would be better if Uvo was still here but this will just have to do.
"You guys never grow up." Franklin said sitting down on the rock. That was when Phinks's phone rang. The laughter stopped and we all grew serious again.
"This is Phinks." He answered the phone and then almost dropped it as the other person talked. He hung up and looked at us.
"Shal, Fei, Usa. Let's go." We looked at him but he took off. We caught up to him easily and he started explaining.
"The boss was captured by the chain user. They have two hostages but need back up." We all nodded and sped up our pace. When we got to the hotel lobby they were in Phinks and Feitan were beyond mad.
"Why didn't you go after him immediately?" Phinks asked Nobunaga.
"The lights went out and we couldn't see."
"Machi and Paku were injured."
"When our sight returned Danchou was already gone!" Nobunaga shouted in frustration.
"Alright that's enough. We can assign blame later. For now we need to figure out a plan to get Danchou back." I nodded in a agreement. I looked at the black and white haired kid again.
"You guys must have missed us huh? Change your mind or something?" I asked them with a smirk. Phinks's phone rang again.
"Moshi moshi."
"I have 3 demands."
"Chain user."
"First is do not follow me. Second is to not harm the hostages. Third is to put that Pakunoda woman on the phone."
"Well there was a problem with the second demand. The hostages put up a fight so we had to break a few bones." He smirked.
"Then we're done negotiating." Click. He sweat dropped and called the number back.
"I was just joking. The hostages are fine." He said and then handed the phone to Paku. Feitan tried eavesdropping but Paku shook her head at him making him tch in frustration. He looked at me and I nodded. My hearing was a lot better than his. When Paku moved somewhere else I stayed listening.
"Your to come to the airway. Your to come alone and not mention to anyone where your going. No looks, hand signs, or eye contact."
"Hai." Pakunoda! Why? Why are you giving him his way? We can kill these kids and then go rescue Chrollo. Why? When handed the phone to Nobunaga and he looked at me before putting the phone to his ear.
"You and the rest of the spiders are to return to your base. If anyone follows Pakunoda then I'll kill your boss."
"Fine!" Nobu-nii! Why? Why are you guys doing this? He wouldn't meet my eyes as he walked back and stopped Phinks from stopping Paku.
"We're gonna return to the base." He said as I appeared beside Feitan. Sorry Nobu-nii. Your wrong on this one.
"Orders from the Chain user." He said looking away and back to Phinks.
"Who cares! We can't let Paku go there alone. I say we kill the kids and head over there." Phinks said reading my thoughts to a tee.
"Since when do we take orders from anyone but Danchou? Nobunaga! I can't believe your letting that filth that killed Uvo and has Chrollo tell you what to do! What are you his bitch now?" I yelled at him angrily. He wouldn't meet my eyes.
"He said he'll kill the boss!"
"So we kill the kids and someone replaces Danchou after we get done with the chain user!" Phinks yelled back. I saw Feitan give Nobunaga a look that mirrored my thoughts. He was putting shame to our names as the Spider.
"Whatever I'm going!" Phinks said turning around but stopped when Nobunaga seeped aura and grabbed his sword.
"Move and I'll cut you down." I stood in front of Phinks with my own aura which surprised Nobunaga and making his aura pulse in uncertainty.
"Are you being controlled?" Phinks yelled grabbing my shoulder and pulling me half beside him and hang behind him. Suddenly Shizuku hit him and knocked him unconscious.
"I thought you agreed with him!" Phinks said to her.
"I do, but members aren't allowed to start serious fights."
"Let's just go back to the base and see what happens when Paku returns." Machi spoke up glaring at us. We all agreed and went back to the base. Machi carried Nobunaga. I was sending him curious looks. What was going on with him? Even I knew the rules. The Spider comes before Danchou. We have to make sure the Spider doesn't die, not worry about the members. Is he being controlled? If that's the case, I don't think I can take losing another person, but I definitely can't take losing the Spider that Aniki loved so much. Would I protect Nobunaga or the Spider? What do I do in this situation? Aniki please help me decide.

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