Well that was Unexpected

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"Bahahahahahahahahaha!" I jolted up right as I heard the laughter that woke me up. Phinks was leaning against a wall for support and standing across from us laughing hysterically.

"What's you're problem no eyebrows?" I asked grumily. My head was pounding.

"You guys finally went and did it! That's rich. From the two most ruthless people I know are the ones who do the dirty with each other hahaha!" I looked down and sure enough I was naked. Sitting up I was definitely sore but nothing that wasn't managable. I glared at Phinks who was still laughing loudly..

"We screwed on that wall too." I told him with a straight face. He jerked away from the wall in now silence. I heard something under me chuckle. I moved a blanket to see Feitan smirking with his eyes closed. Had I been suffocating him all night. Oh well. Compared to our little escapade suffocation was not gonna hurt him. I had scratches and bruises all over my body.

"I'm surprised I didn't hear anything." Phinks had settled down and was scratching his head.

"It's because I knocked you out idiot." I Muttered standing up fully nude. I whistled at the damage done.

"You sprained my wrist. Jeez. We can't do this daily or I might now be able to fight anymore." I looked at Phinks who was looking at my chest.

"What?" I asked putting a hand on my hip. He flushed and looked away. I nodded and walked into his bathroom.

"I need more clothes. Feitan destroyed mine. Jeez I gotta make more." I sighed in frustration as I remembered him tearing my hides away from my body. And then flushed when I remembered how amazing his body felt against mine and how euphoric it felt when we were doing it. The way his eyes rolled into his head and the way our moans and grunts sounded together.

"Usa. Hurry up already." Phinks was pounding on the door while I stood in the shower water doing nothing.

Timeskip brought to you by rough and rowdy activities...

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked pulling my fingers through my hair. Everyone had showered and was comfortable now.

"I don't know. I've been ordered by mister man over here to stay with him until Danchou gets back. It will be more entertaining if we all stick tog- owaahhhhh!" I yelled making Phinks dump his beer all over his lap.

"What?" He asked in shock trying to get all the beer off his jump suit.

"I have an idea." I told him with a sinister smile. Feitan was looking at me and so was Phinks. I waited and built up some tension for my diabolical master plan.

"What is it?" Feitan asked leaning forward now.

"I saw we go to the... Arcade!" Phinks grinned and so did Feitan. Booze and games got Phinks Excited. Games and torture got Feitan excited. All three got me excited.

"This is why we keep you around. But we have to go all the way to York Shin for any good games." That was true.

"No we could go to Zaban City too. Plus its way closer." I added. Phinks's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Let's go then. Hurry up." He started downing his beer and filling his pockets with more. I had to wear one of his jackets and it was super uncomfortable.

"Can we make a stop along the way?" I asked fidgeting around. Phinks nodded understanding what I was getting at.

Geehee another timeskip.

We made it to where I resided. It was a small house built out of All wood and huge leaves. It was in a tall tree so not very many predators could get to me while I was asleep. I jumped up and Feitan followed me. I tore the jacket off and threw my normal fur clothes back in.

"Let's go Usadin." Feitan murmered and I turned to see him. Looking at him flashed thoughts through my head of last night and I had to look away in order to remember how to breathe. Stupid human hormones. I jumped down to see Phinks about to punch a wolf. I landed in front of it and smiled at it it took in my scent and snorted.

"It's good the be back. But I'm leaving again. I'll see you later." I told it as my partners took off running. I quickly followed suit and we didn't stop until we made it to Zaban City. Phinks cracked his knuckles as we walked into a gaming building with a stupid grin in his face. I went to a shooting game and easily beat high scores. Feitan and Phinks were playing competitively with one another. I smirked at them.

"So much for bad asses." I mumbled to myself watching them playing and cursing at each other. If that chain user could see us now, would he still think we were a bunch of heartless mass murderers? I just wanted Danchou back. If Danchou came back then we could take that piece of shit out. We could get payback for Aniki and Paku. We could restore the Spider to the price it once held.

"Oh my. What is someone like yourself doing here in an arcade?" I turned to see Hisoka. If Hisoka was here does that mean...

"Where's Danchou trash?" I asked in a growl.

"How cold. You were so much better when you were with Gon." He purred hand danching around me.

"Is he?" I gulped not able to finish my question.

"No. I can't find him. Apparently that exorcist didn't work out and couldn't take a way the Nen from Kurapika's Nen blade." He explained huskily. I sighed in releif and frustration.

"Well. I should be going. I just thought I sensed a familiar aura around here. If seems you've matured into a woman since I last saw you. Perhaps you'd like to feel what being with someone experienced feels like." He purred into my ear. I scoffed at him.

"The only experience you have is with raping little boys creep." He chuckled and then was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief. I flashed behind Phinks.

"Danchou hasn't had the Nen removed yet. That exorcist failed." He nodded.

"Feitan heard the whole conversation." He updated me. I flushed but pretended it wasn't a big deal. I hope Feitan didn't get pissed at the last part Hisoka said... I looked at him to see the menacing glare aimed at me. Yep he did. I put my head down in defeat.

"Well. Let's go find the Nen exorcist then. We can't let him start telling people about us." Phinks suggested putting the controller down. Feitan was already beside us. We left the arcade in nothing more than shadows moving too fast for the human eye. If we had been paying attention we would have seen Chrollo watching us vanish with intent eyes in the very back.


Another short chapter. Gomen ne minna-san. I have a seriously horrid case of writers block right now and cacant really think straight. Please vote and comment :) thank you

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