Chapter Eight - Cam

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I have no idea what made me pull that age old stunt, but funnily enough, I didn't regret it, which was cause enough in itself for concern. Madi was practically family. Hell.. She was family. But damn, if her lips didn't feel great against mine. Really great. Even just in that brief moment I could tell that they were soft and full and so very kissable.

As soon as Madi and Seeley disappeared from view, I sent a quick text message to Scott to tell him that I was ready and got out of that airport as quickly as my feet and the steadily thickening crowd would allow me. As soon as Scott pulled up to the curb, I jumped into the back of the SUV and slammed the door behind me.

"Back to the hotel, Scott." I said to him harshly. He turned back and looked at me.

"You ok Cam?" I looked up at him and saw the concern on his face.

"Yeah. Just a bit toey. Sorry." I replied and he smiled up at me knowingly. I hated that everyone thought so badly about me and my apparent womanising, but I'd brought it on myself.

"You need to find yourself a woman that can take care of all of your needs, rather than multiple woman that take care of a few each."

"Not now Scott." I warned, even though I knew he had a point. My life was too hectic for romance and emotions.

I wasn't so much of a prick that I would put someone through concert after concert, with fans throwing themselves all over me every chance they got. Not to mention having to live in the close quarters of the tour bus with the other guys for most of the year.

Women wanted stability and a proper home that wasn't on wheels. I could have literally any woman I wanted and often did, but they weren't for keeps.

They were just a means to an end.

When we got back to the hotel, I went up to my room and collapsed on my bed. It was nearing four in the morning and I was exhausted.

I didn't regret going to the airport to see Madi, but I was tired as hell now. I managed to kick my shoes off before falling into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, I was shocked to see that the sun was setting. I must have been more exhausted than I thought. Either that or I was just plain lazy. I checked my phone and found a message from each of the boys and one from Madi as well.

I ignored the ones from the boys, but read Madi's.

'We've arrived in Texas safe & sound. Ur Mum & Sarah greeted us. Ur Dad is still on the road. Thanks for keeping us company last night. C u soon xx' I smiled and sent one back.

'Glad u got there safe. Say hi 4 me. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I passed out.'

I stripped off my bogan disguise and jumped into the shower. I was half tempted to take care of myself, but figured it would be more fun to find someone to take care of my needs for me, so I quickly washed and then got out, dried off and changed into some of my real clothes. I noticed the light on my phone flashing, letting me know I had a text message waiting.

'Sorry we kept u up. Hope u slept well xx Madi'

'Its not like u forced me to :P I slept like a rock.'

A reply came through almost instantly.

'Fantastic. We're just sitting down to ur Mums pepper steak.'

'Bitch! Thats my fave :( My mother is a horrible person 4 cooking it 4 any1 but me..'

'I'll be sure to pass on ur msg ;)'

'You wouldn't!!'

'HAHAHA stress less princess. Ur secret is safe with me. Enjoy ur nite.'

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