
18 3 1

'So what I'm saying is, we're all butts.' San concluded his thesis as he chowed down on the last of his soup.

'Do you think of such cursed shit on purpose, or is it a talent?' Jongho pinched his nose bridge between his fingers, clearly done with whatever nonsense his fellow earth mage just spouted.

'Hey! It's not nonsense. Hear me out!' The older of the two was about to go back to explaining his claims once again when Granny called upon the group from where she sat, and everybody rushed to get out of the room, away from a pouting San. They took their seats around the old woman, watching her talk to another lady in hushed whispers before she dismissed her and turned her attention back to them.

'The east wing spotted some unusual activity near the river.' She pointed at the grove near the river that flowed downstream, right on the outskirts of the village. 'We suspect it's just the king's guards, but just in case, I want you bunch to go and see through it that they aren't anyone dangerous.' 'Sky and Mingi should go too. They could help identify the guards,' Sky nodded, bumping her fist with San, who excitedly claimed dibs on being her partner.

'Actually, I wanted Yeosang to be Sky's partner.' Hongjoong said, looking at the startled shadow bender with a smile. 'She still doesn't know how to fully utilise her powers, and he's the best at spy work and scouting here. He could keep her safe if things go wrong.' San pouted, but he couldn't deny the truth.

'Okay, then. I call dibs on Mingi!' He then hugged the fire mage's arm, his eyes creasing in his signature dimpled smile. Mingi couldn't help but smile back.

'Alright then, Yeosang and Sky would take the front. Our job is to just sit and observe. We only move if either Sky or Mingi deem them threats; in that case, we deal with them on the spot.' Sky didn't know if she wanted to know what "deal with them on the spot" implied; she prayed that she'd never get to know. 'If they're just guards looking for Sky and Mingi, the barrier shall do its work, and they'll be teleported to the other side of the village without them realising it.' The barrier was a shield put up all around the village to deter all attackers or lost travellers from accidentally walking into their village. It was the same wall that prevented Sky and Mingi from escaping from the village the day they woke up.


'Hey, quit stepping on my foot!' Yunho shoved Wooyoung to the side, huffing in annoyance.

'It's not my fault your stompers are thirty feet long!'

'Quiet!' Hongjoong spoke from where he sat, observing the forest from the higher ground with Seonghwa. They were waiting for a sight of the intruders, which they saw right after the two bickering magi hushed down. 'They're coming our way. Take positions.' The two eldest hid behind a large bush, closest to the path. Yunho, Wooyoung, and Jongho hid behind a boulder not too far away as a backup in case the eldest two got overpowered. San and Mingi took a shady tree canopy furthest from the path but close enough to get a clear view of the people's faces.

'This might feel weird.' Yeosang warned as he put out his hand for Sky to take, intertwining his fingers with hers, and then jumped into the shadow of a tree, pulling the startled girl along with him.

Sky gasped as she saw the world around her. It was pitch dark, to the point that she couldn't even see what was in front of her. The air around her was crisp and cool, but not exactly chilly. She grabbed his hand harder on instinct, scared to get lost in this endless void. 'Don't be scared; it's just the first level. You won't get lost here.' Yeosang tried to reassure her, but that only led Sky to panic more.

'You're telling me there are levels?' She looked up at the smiling man with widened eyes, now clutching his entire arm to the point where she was practically hanging on him. He laughed, taking one of her hands in his and putting it up. Suddenly, the air around her hand felt warm.

'Feel that? That's the outside world.' He brought her hand back down, the coldness returning to her hand. She then peeked her head out of the shadow, surprised to see Hongjoong and Seonghwa chuckling at her. Then she went back inside, and lo! darkness once again! She again put her head out of the shadow. This time she could see Mingi doubled over in laughter and Seonghwa and Hongjoong trying to hold back their own grins. What was wrong with them?

"What are you guys laughing at?" Her question seemed to make them laugh even more. Seriously, what was wrong with them? Her eyes widened in the realisation of how it must look to people other than her. With just her head out of the shadow, she must be looking like a gigantic mole to the rest of them. She blushed, going back inside the shadow to avoid meeting their gazes, and hid her face in her palms, screaming. How did she not realise?

Yeosang patted her back, seeming to realise why she was so embarrassed all of a sudden. 'It's okay. They made fun of me too when I first started.' He smiled kindly at the blushing girl. She was about to thank him when a quick 'They're here' from Hongjoong hushed everyone. Yeosang took Sky's hand, walking through the darkness until he brought their faces closer to the surface. They were hidden in the trunk of the tree, observing what seemed like guards from the royal palace.

Except not Sky's royal palace. They were Izar's guards.

WASSUUUPPPP!! My exams just got announced :\


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