The Crescent Island

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"Shore ahead!" Someone shouted from the deck, waking Sky from her deep sleep. She heard people rush about in the hallways to get ready to finally disembark the ship and touch land. "Must be the fire benders," Sky thought. The ocean was the worst place for the flame-throwing mages to be. Most of them, including Mingi and Wooyoung, got very seasick throughout the journey. Speaking of Wooyoung, "Wake up!" The red-haired gremlin burst through her door. Sky groaned, covering her face with a pillow to catch a few moments of extra sleep. But Wooyoung was having none of that.

"Hey!" Sky pouted at the snatched pillow that went flying in the air.

"Wake up, we're here!" He pulled her up, plopping himself down on the mattress in the process. "Are you up?" Sky nodded while rubbing her eyes with her fingers, not ready to talk just yet. "I'll go wake up the rest of them." And just like the hurricane that he was, he was gone. Sky looked out of the window of her room. She could spot an island a few miles away from where they were. They'll probably reach there in a few hours. She stepped into the hallway, avoiding the rushing people to freshen up, and then dressed herself up in a sundress and some sandals before joining the boys on the deck.

"It's almost there." Hongjoong pointed at the small island that was very near now.

"Are you sure all of us could live there?" Mingi asked, which was reasonable since the island looked smaller than the village back in the mountains. Hongjoong only smirked, pointing at the bow of the ship that was about to enter the shallow water any second now.

"Everything is not what it seems. You should know by now." Sky's breath got stuck in her throat. Where she saw a small, barren island, now there was a giant piece of land with huge mountains capped with snow. The place was huge. The village was nothing compared to the island that floated proudly atop the ocean.

Hongjoong smiled widely at the awed reactions of people, his pearly whites showing through. "Welcome to Crescent Island."

Living up to its name, Crescent Island was actually in the shape of a crescent. This was why their tribe was called the Crescent tribe too, Seonghwa told them. It was a mage's paradise. Sky could feel the surge of energy coursing through her veins as soon as she entered the barrier. It was wild. Anchors were quickly dropped, and in no time, they had reached the shore. Everybody cheered, happy to finally be home and have a safe abode all to themselves. The fire mages were the first ones to jump down, some running to feel the land beneath their legs while others ran to hug trees and the random, confused animals of the island. There were some unfortunate ones who had to run to find an optimal place to empty their insides, still queasy from the long voyage.

Sky laughed as Wooyoung ran away from an angry seagull, screaming bloody murder. "Aren't you going to do something about that?" She asked Hongjoong, who shook his head as they descended the ship.

"Nah, he deserved it."

"Sky! Come here. Tell your friend to go away!" Sky chortled at the screeching Wooyoung, who had somehow caught the bird by its legs. "Please!" He begged, looking as if he was about to cry any second.

"Okay, okay! You man-child." She rolled her eyes, taking a step forward before stumbling a little. "Strange," she thought, but she shrugged it off and took another step. This time she started falling right into the sand before someone saved her, holding her mid-fall.

"Are you okay? She looked up to see Yeosang looking concerned as he held her by the waist. Sky nodded, blood rushing to her face at the close proximity. She heard the boys whistle and hoot at the scene. San and Mingi went the extra mile too, shouting, 'Get some!' with proud, beaming faces. Yeosang rolled his eyes, pulling her back onto her legs. "Be careful."

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