Loo loo land

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[The episode opens to a shot of the exterior of stola's mansion at night, before cutting to the master bedroom where stola and Stella are asleep. Octavia's frightened voice can be heard from offscreen.]

Octavia: [offscreen] Mummies! Mummies!

[stola is roused from her sleep. She turns to Stella who has most of the blanket.]

stola: [sleepily] Mmph. Via's calling us, Stella.

Stella: [sleepily] You get up.

[stola sighs and gets out of bed, and enters Octavia's room, where she is hiding beneath her blankets.]

stola: Via? What troubles you, my owlet?

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stola: Via? What troubles you, my owlet?

Octavia: [sobbing] mommy! Mommy!

[Octavia climbs down from her bed and runs into her mother's arms. stola hoists her up to comfort her.]

Octavia: [sobbing] I had a dream! A really bad dream!

stola: [yawns and wipe away Octavia's tear] A nightmare.

Octavia: [sobbing] I was looking all over the palace, and... I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!

stola: [pats Octavia on the back comfortingly] There there, Via, it's okay. You're okay.

[stola summons his Grimoire to her telekinetically as he walks Octavia back to bed.]

stola: When you're scared, and you don't know where I am, you must remember...

[stola's Grimoire floats over to her. He telekinetically flips it open.]

stola: No matter what happens to me, I will never be far away... from my special little star fire.

[stola begins singing a lullaby to little Octavia.]

[her lullaby finished, stola leaves as his daughter settles to sleep, content. Cut to several years later, where a teenage Octavia is jolted awake by smashing objects and her parents screaming at each other, far less content.]

Stella: [offscreen] I can't believe you slept with an Imp, IN OUR FUCKING BED!!

[Octavia, annoyed at being disturbed, gives a long groan.]

stola: [offscreen] It was unexpected! I didn't have time to go to a motel!

Stella: [offscreen] A motel?! Like a fucking PLEBIAN?!

[Octavia grabs her phone and puts in earbuds, playing "My World is Burning Down Around Me" to tune out the screaming as she strides down the halls of the Goetia estate, stepping over the smashed remains of a plant thrown in her path. In the kitchen, Stella continues screaming at stola.]

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