Exes and oohs

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[The scene opens with an exterior shot of I.M.P. Headquarters. Cut to a scene inside the office with Moxxie holding a jug, and Loona texting on her phone. Moxxie looks around.]

Moxxie: You know, I checked the scale today. (inhales) And it said I lost two pounds this week.

seth: thats great moxxie

[Loona looks at Moxxie, then rolls her eyes back to her phone, indicating what little interest she has in Moxxie's comment, much to her annoyance.]

Loona: [whispers in seth's ear] 

seth: No loona I can't say that

Loona: [puppy noises]

seth: she says your annoying as fuck and should die

Moxxie: what?

Loona: [whispers in seth's ear again]

seth: and she's says your fat

Moxxie: I. Am not. FAT!

[Cut to the front door kicked open by a furious Millie, as she stomps around the office mumbling angry. Passing Loona,

 Passing Loona,

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she hits a button entitled "Nut button"] that summons a cardboard cutout of a human saying "Hi I'm a Hooman!", then throws a knife and lunges at said cutout

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she hits a button entitled "Nut button"] that summons a cardboard cutout of a human saying "Hi I'm a Hooman!", then throws a knife and lunges at said cutout. Moxxie looks at her disturbed.]

Moxxie: Millie, honey. Everything okay?

[Millie hisses back at Moxxie disturbing her even more, but she manages to calm down.]

Millie: Yeah. Just... bumped into an ex.

Moxxie: Oh! Oh...

Millie: she just kept going on about how she has money now, and "a bright future," and "bigger tits."

Moxxie: Wait, what?

Millie: (yelling) Every time I see her stupid face, I can't help it, I just need to--

[Millie punches a filing cabinet in frustration. Blitza enters the room shortly after.]

Blitza: What the fuck is all this noise?! I got a client!

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