Queen bee

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[The scene opens with Seth and Loona sitting in the back of a car. Her phone buzzes, and she looks down and sees Blitza trying to call her. She declines the call.]

Seth's outfit

Seth's outfit

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Loona outfit

Seth: [hold her hand] you nervous?

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Seth: [hold her hand] you nervous?

Loona: [blushes] a little, I've never been to hellhound parties before

[Her phone buzzes, and she looks down and sees Blitza trying to call her. She declines the call.]

Driver: (offscreen) You want me to drop you off here?

Loona: *glances out the window* Oh! Uh! Yeah. Yeah, this looks right. I, uh haven't been here before.

[Loona steps out of the vehicle and music can be heard playing as the car drives off. She looks down at her phone and texts Vortex.]

Seth: (over text) Hey, I'm her (over text) Oh shit (over text) *here, sry :)

[Loona looks around nervously until Vortex calls out to her.]

Vortexa: *waves hand* hey Seth over here! Glad you could make it!

Seth: Vortexa! Yeah, hey. Thanks for inviting us.

Vortexa: [a little jealous] oh you brought loona.

Loona: [holds Seth's hands] yeah I go where he goes cause he's my boyfriend!

Vortexa: [secretly clenches her fist]

[The two walk into the mansion, where the party is taking place.]

Vortexa: Course! Course! Hey, everyone! Meet the new faces [points at seth] especially the handsome one!

[Vortexa howls in excitement, prompting everyone else to do the same.]

Vortexa: seth, You want a...drink or anything?

Seth: yeah I'll have one. Loona?

Loona: Oh, uh... *tail rises* sure! Totally...

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