Chapter 1

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Long ago in the land of Skylands lived a robot called Jawbreaker. And he had just enrolled in Skylander academy, he was so excited to make new friends at the academy that he couldn't even sleep to charge himself. He had always dreamed of being a skylander and now his dream was coming true. Meanwhile at another household lived the courageous Shroomboom. Growing up, there were two words Shroomboom lived in fear of: pizza night. As one of the groups of living mushrooms inhabiting a pizza-topping garden owned by Kaos, Shroomboom knew he was destined to become part of a tasty midnight snack. While the other mushrooms resigned to their fate, Shroomboom decided there must be more to life than being sliced, cooked and slathered in cheese. Fashioning a catapult from a twig and a length of spider web, he fired his fungi friends over the wall, before launching himself over too. Their route to safety was not easy, but with Shroomboom taking the lead, the entire mushroom crop made their escape. It is believed a family of pineapple chunks weren't lucky. Although he is still haunted by the smell of mozzarella and tomato sauce. Jawbreaker was invented by the great troll skylander, Boomer who is now retired and now has one goal in his life, to raise his son Jawbreaker right. Boomer was a good farther always treating Jawbreaker with kindness but never being afraid to discipline him.

By now it was Jawbreaker's first day at the academy but as he entered the academy, he noticed that all the other students were whispering and pointing at him, their eyes filled with fear and suspicion. Jawbreaker approached the first student he saw, a rabbit-like creature with a big grin, and tried to introduce himself. But the student scurried away, muttering something under his breath. Undeterred, Jawbreaker approached another student, a short fungus-like creature named ShroomBoom. To his surprise, ShroomBoom greeted him warmly and offered to show him around the academy. "Hey there, Jawbreaker! I'm ShroomBoom, and I'm here to help you navigate the academy," he said, his voice bubbly and friendly. "I know it can be tough to make friends here, but don't worry, I'll be your buddy!" Jawbreaker's heart swelled with gratitude, and he felt a glimmer of hope that he might just fit in after all. As ShroomBoom showed him around the academy, he couldn't help but notice that all the other students were still staring at him, their eyes filled with fear and suspicion. "What's wrong with them?" Jawbreaker asked ShroomBoom, feeling a bit hurt and confused. "Oh, they're just not used to seeing robots here," ShroomBoom replied with a chuckle. "But don't worry, they'll come around eventually. They just need to get to know you." Jawbreaker nodded, determined to prove himself and make friends with the other students. And with ShroomBoom by his side, he knew he could do it. Together, they set out to explore the academy and make the most of their time there. As they made their way to the classroom, they couldn't help but feel a little nervous. They had heard stories about Miss Torch's tough teaching style and were worried that they might not be up to the challenge. But they were determined to prove themselves and show Miss Torch that they were worthy of being her students.

When they arrived at the classroom, they saw that it was filled with all sorts of Skylanders, each one with their own unique abilities and weapons. Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom took their places at the back of the room, trying to blend in and avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Miss Torch entered the room, her staff at the ready. She had a fiery aura surrounding her, and her eyes seemed to burn with intensity. "Welcome, cadets," she said, her voice loud and commanding. "Today, we will be learning about the art of elemental combat. I will be teaching you how to harness the power of fire to defeat your enemies. Are you ready to begin?"

Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom nodded eagerly, along with the other cadets. They were ready to learn, and they were determined to prove themselves to Miss Torch.

The class began, and Miss Torch taught them about the different types of fire elementals and how to summon them. She showed them how to use their weapons and abilities to control the elementals and make them do their bidding. Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom were fascinated by the lesson, and they worked hard to master the techniques that Miss Torch was teaching them.

As the class progressed, Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom began to feel more confident. They were learning quickly, and they were starting to feel like they belonged in the class. They were no longer nervous about being in front of Miss Torch, and they were beginning to enjoy the challenge of learning from her.

But just as they were starting to feel comfortable, Miss Torch announced that it was time for a practical exercise. "Cadets," she said, "I want you to pair up and practice your elemental combat skills. You will be given a series of scenarios, and you must use your weapons and abilities to defeat your opponents. Let us see what you have learned today."

Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom looked at each other nervously. They had never practiced elemental combat before, and they weren't sure if they were ready for this. But they didn't want to disappoint Miss Torch, so they reluctantly agreed to participate.

As they faced off against their opponents, Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom quickly realized that they were in over their heads. Their opponents were stronger and more skilled than they were, and they were having trouble defending themselves. But they refused to give up. They used their weapons and abilities in creative ways, trying to outsmart and outmanoeuvre their opponents.

To their surprise, it was working. Jawbreaker used his jawbreaker-based attacks to distract his opponents, while ShroomBoom used his mushroom-based abilities to sneak up behind them and take them out. They were gaining ground, and they were starting to feel confident.

But just as they were about to defeat their opponents, Miss Torch interrupted them. "That's enough," she said, her voice firm but fair. "I see that you have all been working hard, and I am proud of you. But remember, elemental combat is not just about defeating your opponents. It's about working together and using your strengths to overcome challenges. You must learn to coordinate your attacks and support each other if you want to succeed."

Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom nodded, understanding what Miss Torch was saying. They had been so focused on winning that they had forgotten about the importance of teamwork. They vowed to do better in the future, and to protect the Skylands.  


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Jawbreaker and the talking mushroomWhere stories live. Discover now