Chapter 3

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It was Halloween in Skylands, but the cadets at the Skylander Academy still had to attend their classes. Jawbreaker, being the mischievous cadet that he was, decided to dress up as an Arkeyan robot for trick-or-treating. He donned a metallic costume and attached glowing blue circuits to his arms and legs. Meanwhile, ShroomBoom had decided to go as Chef Pepper Jack, one of the villains from Skylands. He wore a black and white striped chef's hat and a menacing apron, complete with a toy kitchen knife at his waist. As the two cadets made their way through the Academy's haunted halls, they encountered all sorts of spooky creatures, from ghostly Goblins to floating Eyeballs. But Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom didn't let that stop them from collecting as much candy as they could. As they approached the door to their first class, Jawbreaker suddenly stopped and held up a hand. "Wait, ShroomBoom," he said, "I have a plan. We can trick or treat our way through class!" ShroomBoom grinned, and the two cadets cautiously opened the door to their classroom. Inside, they found their teacher, Master Eon, dressed as a giant pumpkin. "Trick or treat, Master Eon!" Jawbreaker called out, holding out his candy bag. Master Eon chuckled and handed out candy to the cadets. "I see you two are in the holiday spirit," he said. "But remember, classes are still in session. Don't let your costumes distract you from your studies." Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom nodded, but as soon as the class began, they started to get restless. Jawbreaker kept beeping and whirring like a robot, while ShroomBoom kept giggling and making silly faces at his classmates. Master Eon sighed and put down his pumpkin head. "I think we have a case of the Halloween jitters," he said. "Let's take a break and have some candy." As the class enjoyed their treats, Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. They had managed to bring some fun and mischief to an otherwise ordinary day at the Skylander Academy. And who knows, maybe they'd even get away with their trick or treating stunt... As the class eagerly devoured their treats, Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom's antics only seemed to get more out of control. Jawbreaker started shooting candy corn at his classmates, while ShroomBoom turned himself into a giant, sugar-coated mushroom and started chasing after them. "I think it's time for a little extra detention," Master Eon said with a chuckle. "Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom, come with me." The two Skylanders nodded and followed their teacher to the detention room, where they were greeted by a table filled with even more candy. "I think this will help you calm down," Master Eon said with a smile. And with that, the three of them spent the rest of the detention period indulging in their sweet treats and having the time of their lives. As the sun began to set on Halloween night, Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom finished up their school day and eagerly set out on their trick-or-treating adventure .Accompanying them on their trick-or-treat adventure was Jawbreaker's dad, Boomer, who was dressed as a giant pumpkin. The three of them set out into the neighbourhood, their buckets and bags at the ready to collect all sorts of tasty treats. As they made their way down the street, they noticed a commotion up ahead. A group of trick-or-treaters were running and screaming, chased by a giant, angry monster. The monster was none other than Chomp Chest, a notorious villain from the Skylanders world who had somehow managed to infiltrate their peaceful neighbourhood. Without hesitation, Boomer stepped forward to defend the innocent trick-or-treaters. He hurled a sticky candy bomb at Chomp Chest, which stuck to the monster's chest and covered him in a sticky, gooey substance. The other trick-or-treaters cheered as Chomp Chest let out a defeated roar and stumbled away, defeated. As they continued their trick-or-treat adventure, they knew that they were not only collecting candy, but also making their neighbourhood a safer place for all Skylanders. 

Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom were bone-tired after a long night of trick-or-treating. They had collected enough candy to last them until the next Halloween, and they couldn't wait to dive into their stash. But before they could do that, they had to say goodbye to Jawbreaker's dad, Boomer. "Thanks for watching us tonight, Dad," Jawbreaker said, giving his dad a big hug. "No problem, kiddo," Boomer replied, ruffling Jawbreaker's head. "I'm always here for you, no matter what." ShroomBoom nodded in agreement. "Yeah, thanks for everything, Boomer. We had a great time tonight." With their goodbyes said, Jawbreaker and ShroomBoom headed back to their cadet housing, exhausted from their night of adventure. They climbed into their bunks and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the next time they would go trick-or-treating. But Jawbreaker's dreams were soon interrupted by a familiar nightmare. He was back in the Skylands, but everything was different. The once-lush and vibrant land was now ruined and overrun by Chompy mage and his minions. The creatures were destroying everything in their path, and Jawbreaker could hear the maniacal laughter of the Chompy mage ringing out across the land. Jawbreaker's heart raced as he watched the destruction unfold before his eyes. He knew he had to do something, but he didn't know what. He was just a young Skylander, after all. What could he do against such a powerful and evil force? But then, he heard a voice in his head. It was ShroomBoom, and he was calling out to him for help. "Jawbreaker, wake up!" she said. "We have to do something to stop the Chompy mage and save the Skylands!" Jawbreaker's eyes snapped open, and he sat up in his bed, gasping for air. He looked around, but he was alone in his room. ShroomBoom was nowhere to be found. "ShroomBoom?" he called out, his voice shaking. "Is that you?" There was no answer, but Jawbreaker could still hear the voice in his head. It was ShroomBoom, and he was calling out to him for help. Jawbreaker knew what he had to do. He had to find ShroomBoom and together, they had to stop the Chompy mage and save the Skylands. He jumped out of bed and began to dress, his heart racing with anticipation. The adventure was about to begin.

Jawbreaker and the talking mushroomWhere stories live. Discover now