Through Hell and Back- Literally!

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Hello, this is my first story on Wattpad! Innitially this was s'possed to be a supernatural fan-fic but I twisted it a bit so now it's Supernatural inspired.

The plot and characters are mine though, so this is Copyrighted!

Enjoy! (Feedback much appreciated!)


I sat playing with my fingers as my seventh psychologist this year studied me.

"So, what was your story again?" He asked curiously.

"I've already told you, Mr. Hefterson and as you know it is a touchy subject for me..." I trailed off. Mr. Hefterson scribbled something down on a notepad, nothing seemed remotely interesting about what I had just said, just trying to look professional, I guess. He looked up,

"I find your story quite... amazing and would like to hear it again."

I sighed, "When I was eleven years old, one Sunday night I was complaining about school- as a child would, nothing seemed out of place back then, but my mother and father had a worried look about them, I guess I just thought they were just worrying about bills and stuff-" I explained whilst looking at my feet,

"But you now think they were worried about something else?" He asked. I nodded in response then carried on with my story,

"So like I said, nothing out of the ordinary until the lights flickered, objects started flying everywhere! I was scared so I hid behind the bookshelf that had moved forward a little enough for me to get through. I peeked out and saw my sister trying to run over to me but a hole appeared in the ground I saw flames reaching out as if it were trying to reach and grab something and then... as if an invisable force came, my family were dragged down into the hole. I fainted but when I awoke the house was back to normal I was lying on the living room floor and my family were gone."

Mr. Hefterson bit his lip,

"Do you know what I think?" He asked but I could easily tell it was a rhetorical question.

"I think you're right."

"Excuse me?" I asked suprised. That was one thing I was not expecting, the rest of them said 'I created the story to hide the fact that my parents just got up and left' or 'It was all a dream and my parents and sister just packed up and left.'

"I think you are correct. I believed that was what happened." He grinned.

"Why do you think so?" I wondered aloud giving him a quizzical look.

"I'm not a real psychologist." He leaned back in his chair, "Mr. Hefterson is not my real name and... I fully believe everything you just told me! Do you want to know why?"

"Why?" I questioned, wondering whether I should believe this strange man.

"Because the same thing happened to my best friend's family. We're hunting this thing down, trying to find a way," He pointed to the floor, "down there."

I stared at him, there is no way he's telling the truth, he's just another psychologist trying to 'understand' me!

"My real name if Andrew Baker- add me on Facebook, and my friend's name is Chester Hayes."

"I need to go with you!" I blurted out, standing up from my chair.

"Sure, but seriously add me on facebook."

"Who uses facebook nowadays?" I scoffed.

"Oi!" Andrew said angirly, "I do." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, so me and Chester are leaving town soon so you literally have two days to pack, but not too much just things that you absolutely need and would die without!"

Through Hell and Back- Literally!Where stories live. Discover now