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That One Air Atom POV (it was difficult but I sold their sibling's soul to the devil to get them back :) )

The sun was setting and the sky was painted a peachy and pinkish colour all together. Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo were on their horses, returning back to the Earth Realm.

Capricorn couldn't stop talking about how stupid Leo was, how well she would get along with Sagittarius and how arrogant Aries seemed. Taurus was gazing at the setting sun with a soft look on his face. Meanwhile Virgo's eye was twitching because of Capricorn. His brain was already destroyed because of those three and he just wanted to sleep at this point.

"and did you see his face when Sagittarius cut him off? So funny!" Capricorn snickered again, being well aware that Virgo was so done with her. Despite that, she went on "oh, i can't wait to meet them again! I feel chaotic vibes radiating out o-" she was cut off by the sudden outburst of Virgo.

"SHUT UP! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! THEY ARE PEOPLE FROM THE OTHER REALM AND ROYALTIES ON TOP OF THAT!" He lashed out, startling the other two. With his eyes widened with rage, he took a deep breath in and let it out, proceeding to explain what he meant to say calmly.

"I am sorry, i had no intention of belting out on you both.." He apologized with his usual neutral composure. Capricorn huffed and turned her face to the side as the horses went on. Taurus stared blankly at Virgo, as if he forgot the meaning of life. Despite that, he continued "I am just saying that those three were from the other realm, two of them were even royals! It's not safe for us to develop a friendship with them, just stay away from this place now onwards." Capricorn breathed out a huge and heavy sigh, as she agreed forcefully. 

10 more minutes had passed and by now, they were about to reach the populated town of the earth realm. It was about to be nighttime, so sneaking into the Duke's mansion was gonna be easy enough. Taurus turned to the other tw and bid them goodbye "I have to go, thanks for having me!" Saying this, he grabbed Capricorn's hand and placed a chit on her hand, closing the fist tightly. Capricorn looked at him with confusion 'Has this boy gone nuts?' she thought.

After Taurus's departure, the two continued till they finally reached the Earth palace. They asked the stable workers to take their horses and went inside the ceramic palace. 

"Remember V!" Capricorn reminded. "You better sleep and not read your stupid books again. You are gonna be sleep deprived!" Virgo shrugged it off and went off to the direction of the Library, possibly to find his mother or to spend another night there, reading. 

Capricorn sighed and turned around to leave, but she was stopped by a familiar face.

Her younger sister, Chrysana.

Capricorn furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms. She bent forward to meet the younger's eye level and asked, "And what are you doing here missy? Shouldn't you be asleep? Afterall, you do have to follow your bedtime, unlike me." Chrysana just stared deep into her soul, her green eyes darkening and long auburn hair cascading down her neck till her shoulders. She poke up after a few seconds "I should be asking you the same. What were you doing out so late? Moreover. did Father even allow you to go out today?" 

Capricorn just scoffed in return, closing her eyes and opening them with utter rage. Can't she have a day where she was the only child of her parents and not have a nosy sister? "You better get in your room, or else I'll tell our parents about this." Chrysana threatened. Capricorn smirked with rage "Oh really? Well, you better wish that I don't lay my hands on Mr.Cuddles." All the colour in Chrysana's face disappeared and she stammered out "W-what, no! Y-you can't touch h-him! I w-won't tell them a-about you!" Capricorn started walking off to her room backwards "We have a deal!" She exclaimed before turning around and walking normally.

Tired and frustrated about her sister, Capricorn flopped onto her bed, sinking her head deep in the soft mattress. She could've stayed in longer but she had to get changed. After changing into her PJ's, Capricorn once again flopped down on her bed. She sighed in contentment, before she noticed the small chit on her bedside table. This was given to her by Taurus and she hadn't even opened it!

In eagerness, Capricorn grabbed it and opened it. The contents made Capricorn jump with excitement and she rushed to her dresser to get ready.

They want to meet up with us near the same place. I'll be waiting for you near the Town's Square.


Sneaking out from one's own house was an art. And by now, Taurus was a master of it.

This time he dropped his stuff down his window and he himself climbed down from there. Using the front door was dangerous, considering the fact that his sister, Taylor's room was near the entrance and the slightest of foot movements caused great noises near that area.

Taurus glanced towards the castle that sit proudly in the centre. 'Will she even come? I doubt that Virgo will.' He sighed and proceeded towards the stables, to get his horse and go to the Town's Square.

He opened the door to the stables and saw the 4-5 horses there. They don't really use the horses so they didn't keep much. Taurus led a black horse with white markings on it outside. He climbed on it and galloped his way to the destined place.

By the time he had reached the destined place, the sun had set, night time had finally arrived and the moon was softly glowing. Taurus stood there and did one of the most boring tasks on Earth, waiting. He waited and waited till he could not do so anymore. He sighed and turned around, ready to leave alone to face the horror of socializing without Virgo and Capricorn.

He was about to climb onto his horse and leave.

But some clicks made him stop in his tracks. Taurus turned his head around and smiled softly. There he saw Capricorn, whose hair was an absolute mess and over-jacket flowing everywhere. He watched as Capricorn inched in closer and closer, till he realised that she was coming in like an uncontrollable object.

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