N i n e

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I just realized that some of the previous chapter got deleted- Now I have to write it all again- *cries in pterodactyl*

Also, 1 in Aquarius?! Thanks a lot!!


But some clicks made him stop in his tracks. Taurus turned his head around and smiled softly at the sight. There he saw Capricorn, whose hair was an absolute mess and over-jacket flowing everywhere. He watched as Capricorn inched in closer and closer, till he realised that she was coming in like an uncontrollable object.

Taurus stepped two steps back, there was no way in heck he was going to be trampled over by a horse and a human all together. He was almost about to turn back when Capricorn's horse came to a sudden stop, landing Capricorn over Taurus. She yelled as she landed on top of Taurus, both of them landing on the ground with a loud thud.

"Ow..." Taurus winced as he reached out for his head, gently caressing the back and face thrown towards the side. He attempted to get up but failed miserably. He turned his head to look towards his chest when he saw a clump of white long hair and thin long gloved hands on him. Blood rushed to his cheeks as he realized that Capricorn was laying on his chest and they both were in an awkward position. 

Capricorn stirred her eyes open, clearly because of being tired and scratched her head. "My hair..." She said, stretching the 'r' in a whiney voice. She pulled her head upwards to face Taurus, who was a blushing mess. Realization hit Capricorn like a wave as she too started blushing profusely, rolling onto the ground beside Taurus and finally letting the latter taking a sigh of relief. 

She quickly got up and fixed her dress and over-jacket and extended her hand to help Taurus up. When their burning cheeks calmed down, they starting talking.

"I am so sorry Taur-Taur! But it was your fault for standing there." Capricorn said, putting the blame entirely on the other. Taurus kept a hand on his chest as if to show he was offended. "Me? I was about to leave! You were the one who landed on me." 

Capricorn shook it off "Leave that now, even though it was your fault. Tell me, why did you destroy my slumber and asked me to  come here?" Taurus handed her a piece of parchment that had some scribbles on it in a neat handwriting.

Come back here at night if you wish to see more...

Capricorn's eyes widened with excitement and she squealed with joy. "Eeeekkkk! This sure is better than staying in my room and sleeping!" Taurus nodded "Isn't Virgo coming?" Capricorn shook her head "Nah, I didn't even tell him, he would've dragged me to Mom and Dad and I don't want that!" She exclaimed.

"Let's get going."

The duo climbed onto their horses once again, though it took Taurus to convince Capricorn to climb on hers. She didn't want to be thrown onto the ground and have her hair turned into a mess all over again. She kept on insisting that Taurus could ride hers and vice versa and even tried to climb onto his horse but was kicked away by the horse. "Why would you do that to meeeeee?" She exclaimed in a whiney voice. In the end, Capricorn ended up on her horse and Taurus on his own.

They both rode their horses in the glimmering and ever-so gentle moonlight. A soft breeze tickled their faces and gave them goosebumps. The two were engaged in such a conversation that they didn't realise that someone was following them from behind.

Capricorn let out a laugh as Taurus told her what had happened with her sister's new cushion. Her messy hair came in front of her face and she choked because of the hair that had accidentally entered her mouth. "Ugh!" Capricorn tried to straighten her hair out using her hands but failed miserably. Rather, her hands got stuck in her long locks. She struggled with her hair and Taurus chuckled. "Need help?" He offered, taking a small comb out of a small bag with him. Capricorn pouted, "No thanks! I have no intent of taking help from a person who can't even lend his horse to a princess!" and rejected his offer. 

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