F o u r t e e n

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People, now it is the time that everyone finally meet!


Pisces's POV

You know, I still can't believe that this is actually happening. I mean up until now, our realms have been enemies. It'll take a while to get used to this, seeing people with no gills Or scales.  I would no longer have to eavesdrop on my father planning to massacre The people from other realms or anything like that. Sure Everyone will take time to settle down but this is a start.

"Down to Earth Pisces!" Cancer snapped her gloved hands quite near my face, startling me. I apologised, "Pardon, I-uh lost my focus." "Oh That's alright." Aquarius shook it off and carried on, "As I was saying, Gemini will be arriving anytime now. We were told that he was expecting some friends accompanying him, That's why he would late. Honestly, I'm surprised that he would ditch me and Libra for some other 'friends' ." She concluded, using air quotes for saying friends. Oh, looks like they have pretty good bond...

Wait, why do I care about that? It's not like I have feelings for her.


Right! We're just friends and/or allies.

Cancer laughed it off, "You shouldn't think of it that way! He's your close friend, Isn't he?" She elbowed me slightly as she said that, along with a smug glance.

... What the heck is wrong with her?

I soon spotted Libra, who was trying to find her way through here. She soon spotted me, flashing me a gentle smile and approaching us. Aquarius turned to look at her, "Look who's back~" She raised her eyebrows in sync, getting only a deadpan from the other. "Has the alliance been announced yet?" She asked and I nodded, "Yes, you missed it." "That's quite alright." She replied and went quiet. Now, a silence fell between us, which was overthrown by the music playing.

My eyes wandered from once place to another, trying to spot someone familiar apart from Cancer, Aquarius, Libra and my ass of a father and mother. The ball room was quite crowded, with people from both the Water and Air Realm, Ofcourse no kids.

And there I saw Her, accompanied by three other unfamiliar people.

Scorpio had arrived.

Wait, wait, am I seeing this right? There's no Way -

Yeah no I'm not Loosing my shit here, That's really Scorpio, and Wait wait.

She has her hair down?!

Not taking my eyes away, I shook Cancer slightly. She snapped her eyes at me and deadpanned, "What Dummy?" I didn't reply But simply pointed to Scorpio, who looked pissed as fuck.

Cancer's POV

I looked at where Pisces was pointing at, which was kind of rude. Doesn't this Dummy know that pointing At someone is rude? Then again, he would surely do this to piss off his father. And then I spotted someone I thought I Would never see here.

"Pisces, you're seeing her too or am I day-dreaming?" I asked for confirmation, because I thought Scorpio loves to stay away from Royal Matters. She even told me about her plans for when we would be gone. Pisces shook his head, "We're both seeing her." Then Scorpio finally made eye-contact with us, practically speed-walking to us.

Finally Scorpio reached us and oh my god did she Look stunning. She sighed and calmly greeted us, "Greetings Prince Pisces and Lady Cancer." I mentally facepalmed but I could that she felt that she had to be formal, Afterall Aquarius And Libra were with us too. "Scorpio, It's alright, just call us by our names." I reassured and got a nod from her.

She turned to Aqua amd Libra, "Pardon me but Could you please enlighten me by introducing yourselves?" She asked very politely. Woah, who thought that THE SCORPIO could be so polite to a total stranger.

Aquarius just smirked, "I'm Aquarius, the princess and heir to the throne of the Air Realm." She over dramatically introduced herself and started to introduce Libra too, "And this is Libra, daughter of the Chief Advisor/ best friend of my father, as Well my bff." She practically hugged Libra, who Just patted her back reassuringly and waved to Scorpio.

Scorpio's eyes widened when she heard Aquarius as she bowed to introduce herself. "Deepest apologies your highness, my name is Scorpio. I'm just a girl who craves to be a knight-" And Pisces cut her off before she could continue. "and the daughter of the royal painters." By How much I know Scorpio, she would be mumbling curses under her breath for the nerve of this guy. He sure is a Dummy.

Libra's eyes lit up when she heard Pisces, "Really? Gosh, I love art pieces from the Water Realm. I've heard the legends stating that art from your realm feels as though they've been put together by the gods themselves." Libra told, speaking rather quickly. It took me a second to take it in myself-

Pisces's POV

Honestly, I am not even paying attention to this conversation. I have my eyes on those three who seem to follow Scorpio. I have literally never seen their faces or ever heard Scorpio talk about them. I'm pretty sure They aren't Even from the capital, so I was intrigued by them.

Scorpio may or may not have gotten the hint, because she dragged one of the boys in front of her and smiled a tab bit. "This is Taurus, he's my very distant cousin." Taurus just waved nervously. ...Why did I think that he could Cause harm? He looks like a lost puppy.

Then the white haired girl invited herself into the conversation, taking the white-haired boy with her too. "And I'm Capricorn, and this is Virgo, my brother. We're Scorp's friends." She gladly introduced while Virgo just looked done. "Ew." "Shut up, you know you love me." Capricorn shut him up, yup, definitely siblings.

"No need to introduce yourselves for we overheard you." Virgo informed as he bowed down, "Greetings, your highnesses." Virgo greeted and Capricorn and Taurus followed suite.

Aquarius laughed, "Get up please, just call me by my name. You too Scorpio." And I agreed with her. 'Prince' sounds too... Stupid?

Cancer then spoke up, "so, Scorpio. You never told us you were coming?" "Yes, I just had a change of mind and Moreover, Taurus wanted to come and I got to know that the siblings were going, so I thought why not?" Scorpio told and I replied, "Honestly, I was shocked to see you here. So shocked that I felt that I was day-dreaming." Scorpio laughed a bit, "I mean that's only someone who's a dummy would feel." And I deadpanned. ...I hate her sometimes.

In the midst of this, a maid came upto Aquarius and Libra, "Your highness, the King has asked for your and Lady Libra's presence." "Right, we'll be Right there." Aquarius answered as the maid bowed And left. She grabbed Libra's hand and said "My father is calling us, so bye~ See you all around~" Libra too waved And they left.


Hey~ How y'all doing?

I know this is a short chapter compared to the last part but hey! Atleast it's something.

I just Back read this and tbh, it's shitty so uh sorry for the torture I gave y'all. :)

My exams are going on so I thought before I get to the worst exams, I'll post on a good Day.

Take care!

Wordcount- 1244

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