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This is a twisted wonderland au where after the Queen of Hearts died, her children took over her kingdom and eventually the Queendom of Roses. Everything is the same as in the game, just with the Addition of the royal family of the queendom.


Name: Allison Hearts

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Name: Allison Hearts

Age: 16

Height: 5'8

Status: Second prince of The Queendom of Roses

Gender: Male

School: Night Raven college

Personality: Allison used to be a very outgoing and friendly individual, willing to be friends with everyone. But after a incident in his childhood which caused him to develop a spilt personality, he is now quiet and introverted. He prefers to mostly stay to himself and not make friends easily due to the incident. He is mostly close to his family.

Unique magic:The King's call/????

Chant: "O card soldiers heed my call, silence the rule breaker once and for all. Because this is The King's call!"

Description: Upon chanting, summons card soldiers in the form of humans. The card soldiers who cannot be attacker with magic and only physically. The soldiers will follow whatever command is given to them, and will do whatever it needs to be completed and will not stop unless Allison himself tells them. The card soldiers are formed from Allison's own magic, so summoning them he looses part of his magic but regains it when they are defeated or he recalls them.

Current Queen of hearts: Rosalina Hearts{Mother}(alive)
Current King of hearts: Alicer wonderland hearts{Father}(alive)
1st princess of The Queendom: Elizabeth hearts{Older sister}(alive)
3rd prince of The Queendom: Rosar hearts{Younger brother}(Deceased)
First Queen of Hearts: Mary Iracebeth hearts {Great 10x Grandmother of Allison and Elizabeth}(Deceased)

(I combined Iracebeth and Mary Elizabeth because i found both on Google)

Name: Elizabeth Hearts

Age: 18

Height: 6'0

Status: First prince of The Queendom and Next Queen of Hearts

Gender: Female

School: Unnamed all girls school in the Land of Pyroxene

Personality: Outgoing and friendly person. She prefers to help others first then herself. After the incident she's more protective of her brother Allison, and she was saddened by the loss of her younger brother Rosar in the incident, so she swore to protect Allison with all her power. She is carefree, but not dumb. She can tell when people are only being nice to her for favours or anything, and only helps out honest people. She gets serious in any important matters and matters concerning her brother and her family.

Unique magic:The Judgement of the Queen

Chant: "Be ready, It is time to face the consequences of your truths and lies, because this is The Judgement of the Queen"

Description: Upon being cast, a scale appears. The scale determines if the casted is telling the truth and their lies, and declares them either Not guilty or Guilty. If being declared Guilty, Elizabeth strips the casted of any magic they have, and places a cage of Thorny roses on them. The cage of thorny roses acts as a guard, so if someone tries to cancel Elizabeth's unique magic, They will be attacked with Thorny roses and vines which latch on to them for a certain amount of time. The judgement depends on Elizabeth's state of mind, so being uneasy, the scale may deliver a wrong judgement, which will cause the magic to cancel on itself.

Current Queen of hearts: Rosalina Hearts{Mother}(alive)
Current King of hearts: Alicer wonderland hearts{Father}(alive)
2nd prince of The Queendom: Allison hearts{Younger brother}(alive)
3rd prince of The Queendom: Rosar hearts{Younger brother}(Deceased)
First Queen of Hearts: Mary Iracebeth hearts {Great 10x Grandmother of Allison and Elizabeth}(Deceased)


>this will be a harem book. If you don't like boy x boy, feel free to leave. Otherwise, all genders are free to read this, just please don't spread negativity in the comments.
>I am a female, but for some reason i felt more comfortable reading m! Reader/oc books..-? And i don't see enough so i thought i should make one. So please, if i make a mistake please feel free to correct me.
>Thats everything, and that's your author Sia out!

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