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"??? Talking"
"??? Talking inside Allison's head"

The Red Rose Tyrant - 19

Location: Heartslabyul Dorm - Lounge

"The Queen of Hearts's rule 249:
"Flamingo caretakers are to don pink attire."
"It was supposed to be your turn to feed the flamingos today. Why aren't you wearing pink?"

Riddle was sitting on the lounge sofa with a stern expression. Another Heartslabyul student was kneeling and sitting on the floor in fear.

"I'm sorry, Housewarden. My pink clothes were in the laundry... Please, sir, not the collar!"

Riddle was mad."This is your second rule violation. I cannot forgive a repeated offense."
❝Off With Your Head!❞


"Write me a 5,000-word apology and weed the garden for one week, and I'll remove it."

"Sob*... But..."

"Do you think I enjoy having to do this?! You're the one who broke the rules!
As much as I would like to, I cannot ignore these infractions. It's for your own sake. Understood?"(This sounds like my late "mother" ngl)

Riddle looked at the crying Heartslabyul student then over to Trey And Cater who were standing nearby.

"Trey? Cater? Remove him from the premises."

"...Yes, Housewarden." Both of them replied in a monotone voice and took the Heartslabyul student away.

Location: Library

Trey was standing near one of the bookshelves in the library in deep thought. The familiar Ramshackle duo and Adeuce barged into the library suddenly.


"Hello, Trey." Deuce said, appearing behind him with the others following.

Trey turned around before exclaiming
"You four!"

Deuce:"We figured that if we waited at the library, you'd show up to return your tart cookbook eventually."

"We still got a problem with the way Housewarden Riddle is handling all of this." Ace said, still angry from earlier.

Trey:"Yeah, I thought you might say that." "Come clean with us. What's your take on Riddle?" Ace asked him.
"Is it true you've been pandering to him since the two of you were kids?" Trey was shocked because there's no way Ace could have known that.
"What?! Who told you that?"

"A guy who called himself Chenya." Deuce recalled.

Trey:"Chenya... Huh. That explains it."

"What I don't get is, aren't you older than Riddle? Why haven't ya told him off already?" Grim questioned Trey.

Trey:"I do when I need to. I don't think the situation calls for it." "Why not?" Ace asked.

"These sorts of strict rules... They're what created Riddle."

Trey explained how growing up, everything Riddle did, starting the moment he opened his eyes and till the moment his head hit the bed, she controlled everything. Riddle followed all these strict "rules" for her. Because of this, he saw his strict enforcement of rules the only "right" way and breaking them was forbidden.

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