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"text": talking
"Text": ??? Talking
"Text": ??? Talking inside Allison's head
"Text": thinking
Text: narration


Location: Castle of the Hearts - Allison's room

Elizabeth:"I can't believe my little brother has grown up already...... It was like just yesterday when you first walked!"

Allison:"Eli stop being dramatic... Im only leaving for 4 years... And your only two years older then me!"

Elizabeth: "still! Its 4 years!!"

Allison: *sigh* "welp.. im done packing... Now we wait for the horse i guess."

Sfx: *horse galloping and neighs*

Allison: "speak of the devil .. thats my cue to go"

Location: Front gates of the Castle of the hearts

Rosalina:"Make sure not to get into mischief alright?"

Alicer: "Dear.. with all those rules of yours? If he even breaks one you would haunt him in his sleep *chuckes*"

Elizabeth:"If anyone dares to mess with you, just tell me! I'll beat them up!"

Rosalina: "Eli..."

Elizabeth:*gulp* "hehe..."

Allison: *sigh* "Thank you mom, dad and eli. I better get going now, don't wanna keep the horse waiting. I'll see you all on winter vacations." said allison with a small smile.

Elizabeth: *hugs allison* "see you soon allison! Take care!"

And with that, allison stepped inside and immediately blacked out. While waiting for himself to rewaken, he talked with ??? In his dreams.

A little bit later~

*Key sfx. Door open sfx.*

Allison: "..?"

???: "Welcome to Night Raven college, i am Dire Crowley your headmaster. Please step outside and stand with the other students."

Allison: ".. alright"

Allison gracefully steps outside the coffin and stands with the other student's waiting. After everyone is out all of them go sit in the hall of mirrors waiting for their turn to get called.

Location: Hall of Mirrors

"..... Pomefiore". Said the Dark mirror.

"Ooh that boy sure looks pissed in being selected to Pomefiore"

"Huh... Wonder whats with him.. his hair looks fluffy tho... His hair and eye colour.. it reminds me of her ...."

"Its our turn lets go go go!"

Allison stands and walks to the dark mirror gracefully.

"State thy name" spoke the dark mirror.

Allison: ".... Allison Hearts."

"Allison hearts?! You mean that second prince from the queendom of roses?"

"Hes like FAMOUS FAMOUS... I never thought i would see him up close!"

"Isn't he like super quiet and stuff..? Don't know how he has 10 million followers on magicam.. even more then the Housewarden of Pomefiore and Neige Leblance.."

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