Chapter 2

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Adriana's POV

It's now finally lunch, and I made my way to the cafeteria. I found an empty table in the corner of the lunchroom, so I decided to sit there. I walked over to it, and sat in a seat. I put my bag in the seat next me. After that, I just thought about things.

I started thinking about that Grayson kid in my science class. Why did he call me babe? Is he trying to get with me or something? To be honest, he isn't so bad looking. But it's just the way he was talking to me that seemed off.

I started looking around the cafeteria to see if he was at this lunch. As my eyes wandered, I finally found him sitting at a table with a few people. I noticed he was also sitting with his brother, Ethan.

I kept staring at him, but he never noticed me. Suddenly after a few minutes, his head turned over towards my direction. That's when our eyes met. I stared at him for a few more seconds, and I looked away so it wouldn't look awkward. But I still feel like he was still staring at me.

As I was looking away, I heard some chairs moving at my table. I looked up, and I saw three girls sit across from me. Two were blondes, while one was brunette. They were really pretty, and looked a little older than me.

"Hi," I said with a little smile.

"Hey," one blonde smiled. "We saw you sitting alone here so we decided to sit with you. Are you new?"

"Yeah, today's my first day. My names Adriana," I replied.

"Oh, mines Campbell," she said. "This is Hailey," she pointed to the brunette. "And this is Samantha," she pointed to the blonde.

"Hi," they both said in unison. They started laughing a little, and so did I.

"Adriana's a pretty name," Samantha smiled. "It sounds unique."

"Thanks," I smiled.

"So, how's your first day going?" Hailey asked.

"It's going good, I guess," I giggled. "Are you guys sophomores?"

"Yep, you are too?" said Campbell, and I nodded. We started talking about random things, and just basically things to know about each other. But I had the urge to ask them about Grayson if they know him.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"You just did," Hailey laughed.

"Well, something else," I laughed, and they nodded. "So, do you know about this Grayson kid?"

"Grayson Dolan?" Campbell asked a little surprised.

"Yeah, I think so," I said. "He's siting over there," I pointed to the table that he was sitting at.

"You mean Grayson right? Not Ethan?" Samantha asked, and I nodded.

"Oh, don't get involved with him," said Hailey.

"Why not?" I asked.

"You want to?" she asked me.

"Well, no, I just met him today in my science class. And like, I don't know...he seems a little off," I said.

"Just don't try to be with him. He's a player, and just use you," said Campbell.

"Use me for what? Sex?" I asked, and they nodded.

"Yeah, at first you won't really want to be with him. But then he makes you fall into his trap. He uses you for that, and just throws you away like you were just some old toy a day later," said Samantha.

"He doesn't get into relationships with them though," Hailey added. "He would be making out with some girl, and any second later, he would be making out with a different girl."

I stared off throughout the lunchroom, and I looked at Grayson at his table. Now that I know who he really is, I think that I should just try to stay away from him. But it looks like it might be hard from what happened in science with him earlier.

A few moments later, he turned towards my direction. Our eyes met, and I instantly looked away. But I took a few glances at him. On the last look I gave, I noticed he had a smirk on his face, that looked a little attractive.

"Just try to keep your distance from him and you'll be fine," said Samantha.

"I'll try," I giggled. "But what about his brother Ethan?"

"He isn't that much the same. He actually believes in relationships, and has a girlfriend, Julia. But he's rude and thinks he's all that," Campbell added, and I just nodded.

After that, we just talked about other things than boys. But the bell soon rang, and we had to get to our last period class. We said our goodbyes to each other, and I headed out to my geometry class.


Finally, the last bell rang, and I was able to go home. I started making my way to my locker, since I had to put a binder in there. As I was walking past the bubbler, I saw Grayson. But he was making out with some girl. Probably one of the ones he uses.

I just rolled my eyes as I walked passed them, and I made my way to my locker, which wasn't so far away from them. I started to put in my combination, and it wouldn't open on the first try. I tried again, and it finally opened. I started putting a binder and a few books in it.

"Hey babe, what are you doing tonight?" I heard Grayson ask the girl he was making out with, and I looked up at them.

"I have to study for a biology test I have tomorrow," she said with a wide smile on her face.

"Maybe I can help you with that," he smirked. He then looked up, which was at me. I looked away, and I closed my locker. I started heading away from them, and outside.

As I opened the door, I started heading to the sidewalk to walk home. "Hey!" someone called out, and it sounded like Grayson's voice. I didn't look back, and I started walking a little faster. I didn't really want to talk to him now.

I was about to get onto the side walk, but suddenly, I felt someone tug on my arm. "Ariana, right?" Grayson asked.

"Adriana," I corrected.

"I was pretty close," he laughed.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't know. I just wanted to talk to you."

"I'm going home right now," I said. I turned around, but he tugged on my arm again. I rolled my eyes, and turned towards him.

"Want me to give you a ride? And maybe you can hang at my place babe?" he asked with a smirk.

"First of all, I can walk by myself just fine. And second of all, you want to help me study with my biology test?" he started to laugh after I said my last sentence.

"If you want help on it, I can. But I have plans later at night though."

"Yeah, I know. And I was just kidding," I said. "Look, I'm leaving now." I turned around for the last time, and I started walking fast so he won't try to talk to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe," he called out, and I could tell he had a smirk on his face as he said that. I just rolled my eyes, and I walked back to my home.

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