Chapter 4

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Adriana's POV

It was now finally lunch, and I hope Campbell, Hailey, and Samantha are here. I went to the table that I sat at yesterday, and I just sat there alone. I glanced over towards the table where Grayson usually sits, and he wasn't at this lunch.

Thank god he isn't, or else he'd just be staring at me and giving me smirks. I started looking around the cafeteria if I could find Campbell, Hailey, or Samantha, and I spotted them coming towards my table. They sat at the same seats as yesterday.

"Hey," I said with a little smile.

"Hey," they said back in unison. We all laughed at little at that.

"So what's up?" I asked them.

"Good, I guess," said Hailey.

"Same," Campbell added.

"What they said. What about you?" Samantha asked me.

"I'm assuming everything's going fine, other than Grayson..." I told them.

"What'd he do now?" Campbell asked.

"He gave me a nickname...Sparky," I said. "He even called me hot today..."

"He's trying to get with you," Hailey said.

"Just ignore him," said Campbell.

"But it's hard...he sits right next to me and always starts a conversation with me. And it's hard to ignore him," I added.

"We get what you mean," said Samantha. "But he always had his ways getting with girls...and that's what you have to watch out for."

"Like how he called you hot? And how he gave you the nickname Sparky? That's one of his ways," Hailey added.

"But that nickname sounds so stupid and childish," I told them.

"Well Grayson is stupid and childish," Campbell laughed, and so did the rest of us. We started talking about other random things other than Grayson, and we all went back to class once the last bell rang.


Finally, the end of the bell rang for us to go home. I'm usually walking home, so there's no need for me to rush out of the school. I went to my locker, and I put some books in it, and got out the ones I needed.

I closed my locker door after that, and I started walking out of the school. Obviously I noticed Grayson, and he was with another girl, of course. He was making out with a girl, and she was leaning against the car. Grayson was practically on top of her, literally swallowing her throat.

I rolled my eyes, and made my way to the side to walk home. I took out my headphones, and I put them in my ears. I attached them to my phone, and I shuffled my music.

I started walking down the sidewalk to the beat of the song I was listening to, and I hope no one was near me to see me walking like an idiot.

It was until a car pulled up next to me, and started beeping their horn. By the way, I had my volume almost all the way up, so I couldn't here a thing other than my music. This scared me, and caused me to panic.

I jumped, and my headphones came out my ear as I did. I jumped away from the car, and looked over to see who it was.


He started laughing, and he was laughing so hard that it looked like he was gunna cry. "Oh my god," he said in between laughs.

I just rolled my eyes, and said, "You scared the shit out of me."

"I'm sorry babe," he said as he was dialing down his laughs. "But that was really funny though."

"Yeah, it definitely was," I said sarcastically, and fake smiled. I turned back to the sidewalk, and started walking again.

"Sparky wait-," I heard him say.

"What do you want? And stop calling me that," I snapped.

"I wanted to know if you wanted a ride since your walking, and that's your nickname. I told you you have to get used to it."

"You asked to give me a ride yesterday, and I said no. And your asking me again, so I'm obviously gunna say no again. Why can't you stop bugging me about it?"

"I don't really know the answer to that Sparky..." he said.

"And that too! That's not my fucking name, it's Adriana. It's not 'babe' either. If you can't say my name, then don't say anything to me at all," I told him.

"What's really with you though? Ever since I've met you and since we've talked, you've had such an attitude? Your new and I'm just trying to be your friend. But it looks like you don't want to."

"Well I'm sorry. That's just how I am. I speak my mind. And if you can change that, good luck. Everything's just new to me here, and it's tough for me. You just don't understand what it's like."

"I'm sorry," he said. "I don't really know what to say."

"Of course you don't because you don't care about what I'm saying. People told me about you. About how your a player and how you take advantage of girls. And now your trying to do that to me, and make me be one of your 'toys'. I'm trying my best to stay away from you, so can you just leave me alone and go to the other idiots in this school?"

I put my headphones back in, and started walking. "You really believe that huh?" I heard Grayson say. I just ignored him, and kept walking. "I'm sorry, okay?"

"Leave me alone," I called out, not turning around to face him.

"I really am," I heard him say.

"Go away," I called out again. I didn't hear anything after that, except for my music. A few moments later, I saw his car drive off. Thank god, I was finally free from him.

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