1. the saviour.

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               Everyone cheered as Arjuna finished his outstanding performance.

Dronacharya was on cloud 9; he was happy that his favorite shishya had proven himself worthy of his mentorship.

"Wow, Arjuna. That was an outstanding performance. Henceforth, I, Drona, declare Arjuna to be the greatest archer of the entire Aryavart."

Drona's words received ohs and wows from the crowd, as Arjuna had a triumphant smile on his face.

Though he was not keen on the idea of being the best archer, what if there was someone better than him? He was not willing to go against his guru's wish, so he kept mum, smiling proudly at the crowd throwing flowers at him.

He then looked at his family members.

His mother had tears of joy in her eyes.

His brothers...

Bharta Yudhishthir had a proud smile on his face.

Bhima was waving his hands vigorously at Arjuna in happiness, a happy smile spread on his face.

Nakul was adjusting his hair as he smiled cutely at Arjuna.

Sahadev had a distant look, yet, as he felt Arjuna's gaze upon him, he smiled, his eyes shining with joy.

Arjuna himself felt happy for his victory.

When he turned his gaze to the Kaurava part, the Maharaj had a small smile on his face.

His Gandhari mata was having tears of joy in her eyes, like his mata Kunti.

His cousins, however, were having deep scowls on their faces.

Mamanshri Shakuni was smiling so extremely sweetly at him that Arjuna felt a surge of fury bubbling through him.

That uncle of a kind. "If I'd have got a chance, I'd have taught him a lesson that he would never ever forget in his lifetime.

Their happy moments were broken by a deep voice.


A hushed silence fell over the crowd as the elders of the Kuru family looked here and there for the source of the stop.

From behind a tree came a handsome, young man, face radiant like a thousand suns.

*Karna was watching the kalapradarshan from behind a tree. He'd preferred not to sit until he'd seen the performance of Arjuna, whom everyone claimed to be the greatest archer.

"Stop," he said again.

"Sorry for interrupting your moments, but I have a question. Maybe Arjuna is the best archer in the kingdom of Hastinapur. How can he be the greatest archer of the entire Aryavart? I challenge Prince Arjuna for a duel," Karna said. His mind was unable to accept that someone claimed themselves to be great when archers like him were unrecognized.

He didn't want to create this mess if this hadn't happened.

This, however, was unacceptable to him.

He had full confidence that he could, if not defeat Prince Arjuna, at least he could match him. After all, the great Parashuram, an incarnation of Shri Hari himself, was his guru. His guru had ended the rule of Kshatriyas 21 times in the entire world.

Kripacharya stood up. "Who are you, young man? How are you so sure that you could be able to defeat our prince? Are you a royal of some kingdom?"

Karna shook his head. "No, I'm no royal. I'm an ordinary citizen of Hastinapur."

Drona smirked at Karna. "Aren't you the same one whom I had rejected to teach? Tell us, oh young man, what is your caste?"

Karna's confidence slightly wavered. Would his caste be an obstacle for the people of Aryavart to recognize the talents within him?

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now