Chapter 7

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I think I might have been staring at the scoreboard for some time now, for all of a sudden, the voice of the organizer pulls me out of my thoughts, asking me to come on stage to give the award. I didn't even hear him the first time. It took Landon carefully tipping me on the shoulder to realize it's my cue and that people expect me to do something and be someone.

I take a deep breath, counting until I reached ten in my head. I try to push the thoughts away. Ever since last night when I found out Karl is thinking about abdicating, I feel like my body has been active and part of this world, but my head not. All I keep thinking about is what would happen if it's true. What would happen if Karl really abdicates? How will my life look like? I know I'll never be the same.

I will not be able to be the same.

For I won't just be me anymore. I won't just represent who I am. I'd represent the whole of Cordelia.

And although I love my country more than anyone could ever love, that thought is equally terrifying.

I swallow hard as I walk together with my bodyguards down the stairs and on the stage. My long white dress with a black bow on my back is making waves around me, the scene looking just like in the movies. I can't help but smile at the view. But I smirk even brighter as I remember what lies behind the dress. A Chanel underwear. A very lacy one for that matter.

I try to focus on the speech I am giving the public and not the questions in my head. Or the eager to see Thomas.

I am counting down the seconds. Minutes. And that's when he comes. Walking with such grace it almost takes my breath again, Thomas looks straight at me as he comes on stage. He is still in his jockey clothes, but I can't honestly remember when the last time was, I've seen a hotter man.

Probably four years ago.

"Your Royal Highness", Thomas greets me, bowing in front of me as he kisses my hand. There is something in his voice that points he'd rather call me by my name, but they are people watching.

"Mister Alderidge", I respond with the same tone, acknowledging his bow with a small nod. He stands back straight and I hand him his award, congratulating him in front of the crowds. He comes closer to my ear and whispers: "You were there at the finish line."

I have to smile at that and am so close to just wrap my hands around his neck and kiss him. However, duty first, so I shake his hand and keep it professional. I don't look back at him after I say goodbye and walk back off stage and to my lodge. I don't even meet his gaze as I'm back on my seat. I can feel his gaze piercing me though. His eyes fixed on me.

I swallow hard and keep facing forward.


I am walking through the stables to the car as I can feel someone grab me by the wrist.

I turn around and see Thomas, looking at me devastated.

"Did I do something wrong, Olivia?", he asks me.

I don't even know how to respond. "No."

"Then why wouldn't you look at me?", he continues. "You wouldn't even meet my gaze."

"Because there were people watching, Thomas", I let out exhausted. "There were people watching. And no matter what I would have wanted to do, I wouldn't have been allowed."

He looks at me, as if he wants to say something. It's then he swallows hard and decides for something else. "What would you have wanted to do?"

Dangerous territory.

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