Chapter 20

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"Mom?", I ask surprised. She's standing on the hallway, Dad next to her, so are Darrel, Lewis and...Nathan.

He's here.

He's here.

He came for me.

"My baby", Mom lets out, a tear rolling down her face. She opens her arms wide and without even thinking I rush to get inside her hug. I sink my face on her shoulder and as she starts kissing the top of my head, I let it all out and start to cry. I cry for every time I couldn't cry in these last few hours, I cry for every tear I cried in that car on that cliff and for every time I shouted and cursed as I closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry", Mom whispers, her lips still on the top of my head. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault", I whisper to her. "It's not your fault. It really isn't."

"I am so sorry, baby", she repeats. I let go to get a better look at her and I notice the pain in her eyes.

"Mom", I start, knowing damn well I'm crying.

"Yes", she whispers.

"I love you", I tell her.

For once, she seems to smile and pulls me in her hug again.

Dad comes after her, pulling me tight to his chest. "I'm going to kill him", he mutters, more of a promise than as a whisper. "I'm going to kill him and make him pay for the pain he caused to my girl. Every tear he made you cry will mean another second I'll take my time torturing him."

"Dad", I let, my voice broken.

He only comes closer to my ear and starts whispering. "You listen to me, my little fox. You bow to no one." I gasp as I hear those words. Dad shakes his head and repeats, now looking straight into my eyes. "You bow to no one. No matter who the fuck tells you to do it, remember that you're the queen. And not just because of a few karats styled in a pretty crown. Say the word and I'll buy you every piece of gold on this planet if that's what you want. But no, my girl. You're a queen because your heart is golden. You want to forgive, forgive. You want to get revenge, do it. I'll hand you the match box and watch as you set everyone that ever harmed you to flames. But whatever you decide to do, I want you to know that it will be the right decision. And whatever you decide to do, I want you to know that Mom and Dad will be there for you. Always."

Tears started rolling down my face, but the feeling of them doesn't burn anymore. It smoothens. Like a cozy fire bringing peace to the walls of ice I tried to build around my heart. Dad cups my face in his palms and starts to slowly brush away my tears with his thumbs. "I love you, Livie. Forever. You'll forever be my girl."

I nod at that and kiss him on the cheek. He gives me a thankful nod then goes back to Mom, so that I can greet the three other guests. I greet Darrel with a nod, Lewis with a long hug and Nathan...I greet him with a stare.

"Nathan", I let out.

My heart went from zero to hundred in the course of a few seconds.

"Livie", he replies.

I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I think I just stand there for a while, looking at him, wondering how to best thank him for everything he did for me and not say too much at the same time. I wonder how to...

"Alright, lovebirds", Lewis cuts our stare short. I turn around to him with a death stare, he only smirks, a devious smirk growing on his lips. "As much as I enjoy you taking us all back to the good old times, I need to leave this evening and I would hate to spend my free day looking at you two battling in a staring contest", he continues.

I show him the middle finger. Lewis' smirk grows brighter.

"I missed you too, Your Majesty", he comments.

Not minding that, I decide to respond to something else. "Are you leaving tonight?"

Lewis nods. "I sadly have to. Duty calls back in New York. I'd love to stay and hang out a bit more, yet I have to go." He comes closer to me, takes my hand and spins me in a pirouette. "However," he continues, "I will always make extra time for my favorite cousin. Just give me a call when you're back in the States."

My face shows nothing but profound grief. I might not be able to come back soon, I want to say yet I bite my tongue. As if noticing my silent plea for help, Nathan adds: "I thought I was your favorite cousin."

Lewis looks at him with an eyebrow raised. "No, you're not. Livie is."

I can't help but let a small smile escape on my lips at that. It's then another question goes through my mind. "Are you going to leave with Lewis, Nathan?"

Nathan seems like struck from a lightning as he realizes I asked him something. "No", he answers, and my heart does a weird jump at that. "I think I'd stick around for a bit."

"That's marvellous", I reply, and I notice myself how formal I sounded.

"Really smooth, Livie", Lewis mutters. "Do you want a copy of the code of conduit or do you already know it by heart?"

"Asshole", I hiss at him.

He winks and walks away starting a talk with my parents, leaving Nathan and me some privacy.

"You could stay here", I blurt out. "I'm pretty sure we'll find a free room now that I have the castle all to myself", I try to joke, if only to lighten the mood.

He smiles, revealing that set of dimples. "I appreciate that, Your Majesty", he teases back. "But I already found a place. I rented out a small apartment. I didn't want to disturb you."

"You're not disturbing", I quickly add, trying not to sound desperate.

He must have noticed it since he chuckles. "It's in the city center, really close by. I'll come visit all the time."

That calms me down a bit. I smile.

Looking at the people inside the room, I realize I have to play host now. It was only half a joke as I said this palace is mine now. "So, does anyone want a glass of water?"

I can't help the smile on my face at that question.

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