Chapter 25

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"You know we don't have to do this", I tell him, as his hand is on my waist, and we're moving to the music around the room.

It's not like I don't want to dance with him. It's the fact that his hand is on my waist that's more of my problem.

And the effect it has on my brain.

Nathan comes closer to my ear, so close that I can feel his scent. My brain cells started giving up at higher rates.

"We could do some hip hop if that's what you want", he teases.

I softly hit him in the ribcage, letting out a chuckle. "I think they would be pissed", I reply, pointing with my eyes at the many members of the Parliament whose eyes are on me now. My counsellor warned me about this too. During these next months, I will be watched. Analyzed. They want to make sure I am fit as a queen.

Which means no mistakes are allowed.

My breath starts getting heavier and I have to count to ten in my head, to help sort out my thoughts.

"Wanna get out of here?", I can hear Nathan ask.

I don't have to think twice before I nod.


"I'm pretty sure people could see this as kidnapping", I tell him, yet I still continue following him, holding his hand.

"It's not", he replies. "And besides, your bodyguards are behind you."

I turn around and see Landon and Brad there. Fair enough.

Nathan continues to lead me through the streets of Broix, so sure of himself that it all seems rehearsed. Or like a habit.

"Where are we going?", I ask, wanting to know this secret destination.

"Just wait, princess", he cuts me short, and his voice seems really excited.

I give up and decide to follow him. However, not without a tease. "You know, now that I am queen, you could stop calling me princess. I mean, Wikipedia would disagree."

"Fuck Wikipedia. You want me to bow in front of you and call you my queen, I will bow. Yet you'll forever be my princess. Always have, always will."

I freeze. In. Out. In. Out. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Why not?", he asks me surprised. He also stopped now. And his blue-green eyes pierce mine.

In. Out. In. Out.

Cause it's been years since you said something like that. "It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does", he stops me. "Livie, it does. Everything you say, everything you think, it matters. To me more than to anyone."

"Cause I'm your best friend?", I ask, with tears in my eyes.

Nathan closes the distance between us, cupping my hands between his palms. "Cause you're my princess."

"What does that even mean?", I mumble while laughing soft.

All of a sudden, Nathan places one hand behind my back, one hand curled around my knees and he lifts me up. I can hear my bodyguards ready to take some measures, yet I am smiling, so they know I am fine.

"Princess", he says, kissing my brow once. I think I will melt. "Treatment." Another kiss on my brow. "Only", he ends, and tops it with another kiss in the same spot.

I kind of wish his lips would meet my body a few inches lower. Namely my mouth.

"Wow, such a gentleman, Mr. West", I tell him. When stuff gets awkward, I usually use sarcasm to make it lighter. Welcome to Coping-With-Livie 101. "I bet womankind is on their knees."

He puts on a devious little smirk, like he always did when we were seventeen and at family meetings, and we would tell our parents we were going to do homework in our room when instead we would sneak in the bathroom and make out. I am not sure they knew the truth. Or they did. I don't know. Lewis caught us once. I will never forget his face that day. He just came back from karting, dude was a racer even then, and was still wearing that costume one sees on TV when watching F1. He even had a cap with his number on it. It's then he opens the door and sees us. He gives us the greatest side-eye humanity has ever seen. Then adds a "Fucking maths, you say", before closing the door with a swoosh. Guy knows his drama.

Now he ended up being one of my best friends in the world. And I'm his favorite cousin. How time flies by.

"I'm afraid womankind doesn't know", Nathan's voice pulls me back to reality. And his cute little smirk. I want to take a picture and tease him forever.

"Doesn't know?", I ask, my voice going one octave higher, to mime curiosity.

"No", he replies, his voice going one octave deeper, to mime being dead-serious. "I'm afraid you're the only one in possession of this knowledge, Your Majesty."

I have to blush.

Why is he so damn cute?

Why does he make it so damn hard not to fall in love with him again?

In. Out. In. Out.

"I would recommend leaving it like that", I tell him.

His smirk grows brighter. It's then he looks around, sees where we are, middle of the streets that would be, and the smirk turns into an honest smile. "Would Her Majesty like a tour of her kingdom?"

"I'm on heels", I tell him, showing the huge heels I am wearing. Crystal-ornated. Weighs like my entire closet together.

"Who said anything about you walking?", he counters, now more mischievous.

"You'll carry me?"

"I will."

"Are you serious?"

"I am."

"I am heavy."

"You're not. You're absolutely perfect and never think that bullshit again."

I smile. "Fine", I give up. "Give me a Nathan-Tour-Of-Broix."

He winks at me and steals another kiss on my brow. "With pleasure."

Melting is an understatement of what I am feeling now.

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