Cerise (1)

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When I woke up, there was someone outside my window.

Dangerously close to my window, that is.

I closed my eyes again and rubbed them, but when I opened them again she was still there. This time, closer.

I strangely wasn't fear-stricken. I always had a playful, curious manner to me, thanks to my wolf side. There was, however, something I didn't quite understand. Why is this random girl outside my window at this time in the morning?

And why did she look so terrifyingly similar to me?

At this point, the girl had noticed that I'd awakened. She snuck even closer to the window with a stern, yet mysterious look upon her face.

The girl had a white streak through the right side of her dark brown hair, mirroring the exact place I had mine. Her eyes shined in gold also like mine did normally at night, and she wore a hood that was gray. I wasn't wearing my hood at the moment, but I normally did. When the girl pulled the hood off, that was the spookiest thing of all. She bore a pair of fuzzy wolf ears, just like my own.

"Whoa," I said, even though I was actually really frightened.

She started growling in response. Clearly, she's another wolf girl, but what did she want with me? Wait, are there even such things as other wolf girls? The wolf girl then started scratching the window, as if she was trying to break through it.

"D-dad," I said quietly, knowing I would have to say it louder if I wanted him to hear me. "Dad!"

He came bursting in in his pajamas, and I only pointed to the window, too scared to say anything.

The wolf girl was gone.

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