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Hey, Badwolf readers.
Thank you for being so patient with me while I continue to lengthen the time in between my updates unintentionally.
In all honesty, since Ramona Badwolf's creation by EAH, I'm not sure what to do with this book. My ideas and plans for the plot and characters have already changed so much. I made Blaze too likable and now she isn't capable of carrying out the original plot.
But back to Ramona. Until I figure out what to do, how to fit Blaze, Ramona and Cerise all into one book (that's a lot of Badwolf) I'm putting this book on hold.
You can help me shorten the small break I'm taking from writing this though by helping me. Respond with the option you think I should take from the list below and hopefully it'll speed up my decision making.

A) go on with the story as if Ramona never existed

B) weave Ramona into the story somehow

C) mention Ramona's existence but have her absent from the story in the current time

If you comment, thank you so much, it will mean so much to me. I shouldn't have waited so long to ask this, it's the main reason why it's been so long since I updated this book.
~Zo <3

Update 2017 ~ Thank you for all your help, I've made my decision! I chose choice B. Read on to see how I've incorporated Ramona into Blaze and Cerise's story!

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