Blaze (B)

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She was so close! I feel as if I lived more in those few moments than I did in my entire life. Little Red looked exactly like I pictured her, except, a bit taller. I didn't expect her to be so tall. She was probably taller than me. I hope the difference isn't so significant that people will be able to tell. Oh, and her hair. It's so... Tame. It's almost all one color and straight and shiny. If she wears the hood, the difference in streaks shouldn't be much of a problem.

There was one fact I really couldn't get over though. Little Red was... Scared. She was scared of me. Didn't I look like her sister? Couldn't she just assume? Surely, she had to know about me.

Somewhere, deep inside my feral heart, I had been hoping she would recognize me. It hurt that she didn't. We've been sisters for fifteen years, and she doesn't even know me.

I feel bad to have to get rid of her, but it's my only option. I can't just knock on the door and say "hey, I'm your daughter that you don't want, remember me? I'm moving in!" I tried that scenario a bunch of times in my head, and every time was worse than the last. I couldn't decide what was more painful, though- dying somehow before I reach the doorstep or being rejected (again) by my own family.

I don't know where I'll stay now that I'm here. Crouched down underneath Little Red's window, I spotted a bush that looked comfy. I crawled over and curled up behind it, hoping I wasn't visible from the window. She know something is here now. She could have some huntsman or something come and capture me on the spot. That place deep inside my heart told me she wouldn't do that to me, and the thought made me flinch, then tear a little. I'm not one to get emotional but this really was a difficult subject for me to grasp. Little Red had every reason to be suspicious of me if she doesn't recognize me as her sister. I don't see why she wouldn't have me hunted, but then again, my heart is telling me she's better than that. I hope my heart is right, since it hasn't really been a very great guide ever before.

It's time I get some sleep. Another sleepless night is more than I can handle.


When I woke in the morning, I crept to Little Red's window to take a peak. There she was, asleep, her hair looking wilder now sprawled around her head, and her tongue lolling out. My tongue did that sometimes too when I sleep.

I jumped when she opened her eyes, creeping low as I can so she wouldn't see me but I could see her. Her eyes were bright gold. My eyes are bright gold.

She opened a door and behind the door was a collection of shirts and dresses and pants and skirts on hangers. I think there's a word for that, but I can't remember. I've never had one of those before. The shirt she pulled out was black, and so was the skirt she picked out. Next, she yanked a big red, black and white jacket off a hanger. The letters "EAH" were in one corner. The sleeves were white while the torso was red, and there was black cuffs and buttons and other details. It was sporty, but pretty. I like sports. I wonder if Little Red likes sports. I wonder if she's ever played a sport. Playing a sport looks like more fun than watching.

She shut the blinds while she changed, and I clung close to the wall of the house so she wouldn't see me. She didn't, thankfully. She opened the blinds again after she'd changed and brushed her hair out with a shiny silver brush. I like shiny. After she brushed her hair she put her hood over it. I frowned, because her hair looked beautifuller without the hood on. I mean, more beautiful (just in case beautifuller isn't a word...). Why did she wear a hood anyway?

After that, she left her room and I searched for another window to watch her through. Luckily, she appeared in the next one I tried. She sat around a table with her parents. I hungered for that experience that I just never had.

After Little Red sat and ate food for a while, she and dad got up and said goodbye to mom. Where are they going? Little Red picked up a black backpack that said "EAH BOOKBALL" in shiny little gems that I wanted, and a cute, tiny woven basket.

Both of them exited the house, but I stayed, watching from the window to see where they went. They approached well, and Cerise pulled out a little shiny box and started tapping the screen. The well glowed shiny after a few moments, and she and her dad stepped inside it, then vanished.

I panicked, worried that I'd lost hold of Little Red forever. I darted over and jumped into the well just as the shiny stuff disappeared. I vanished too.

There was a weird cold feeling like I was underwater but not underwater at the same time, and then I appeared, perfectly dry, in front of a huge castle. The castle appeared to have many childrens and older peoples walking in at the same time. This must be where Little Red learns stuff. A wolf I met once told me about this place called a "school".

Little Red and dad stood a few steps away, so dashed into the nearest bush. Little Red said bye to dad and then ran (faster than I expected, I should add) over to a not-wolf girl with purple hair and a weird shiny collar thing, and two not-wolf boys, one in blue with a weird glass thing over his face and the other in a gold, bigger version of Little Red's jacket with really shiny teeth.

Dad left a few moments later, casually strolling into the "school".

I followed a trail of bushes until I was close enough to hear Little Red and the other not-wolves speaking.

{HI! It's Zoey! I really wanna know what you guys think of Blaze. Also, have you checked out her bio in my book "Zoey's OCs"? You should, it gives a lot of insight into her as a character. Anyway, bye, love ya's}

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