Blaze (C)

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"Do I know you?" Little Red said in a little, tiny, fake angry voice.

If only she knew her kind better. She would know I can tell she is scared. She would know I could tell she was not as strong or fierce as she was trying to appear. She would know her pack if she saw it.

I thought hard about what to say to Little Red next. I could not imply that we were related. Not yet. Not now. Maybe not ever. I cannot get attached to Little Red. It would make carrying out my plan just that much harder. I considered not saying anything at all. I wanted to flee, but knew that if I avoided this situation she would only be more suspicious and aggressive if it happened again. 

I decided to ignore what she said. "You are a wolf girl," I barked.

Little Red's eyes widened, and she whipped her head around, looking out for persons in the area.

A group of human children in purple, white, red and gold uniforms jogged around the track. The distance between them and us made them look the size of green beans or small strips of bacon. The sounds of a larger human with a deeper voice rang through a hole in the window about a tree's length down. The hole was covered only with a thin criss-cross wire sheet. I did not see how that could possibly protect from intruders. Purebred humans are so weird.

A shiny chain on Little Red's outfit swished back and forth as she did. Was she expecting to see someone? Then her gaze shot right to me and she bared her teeth, gritting them as she growled "don't say that out loud."

This confused me too. What was wrong about what I said? I was right anyway. Is she trying to keep herself from admitting it? There's nothing wrong with being a wolf girl.

To keep myself victorious so far in the fight, next I said "who made you the leader of the pack?"

Little Red's eyes darted nervously from the wire-covered hole in the wall, to the running human pups to the sealed glass window I'd been watching Little Red through a little while ago. When her eyes came back to mine she said "don't tell anyone what I am, got it? And quit following me, it's creepy." Then Little Red walked past me and started to leave. I went to grab her arm with my claw but she was quicker than I thought she would be and dodged out of the way, into the school.

With nothing to do now, I crawled to the hole in the wall covered by wire and focused my ears on the many quieter voices I could now hear. I peeked into the hole and saw many more purebred children in wood table-chair hybrid things. Each child sat in one and they were grouped into sets of four.

The pretty yellow haired boy that hugged Little Red before put his hand up in the air. When the larger male human in the front of the room with the deeper voice noticed it, he said "yes, Daring?"

The yellow haired boy who was probably called Daring said to the teacher, "so I know we have to label all these countries on the map, but I don't understand how that helps me become a better Prince." His teeth were shiny and his eyes looked like little pieces of the sky. A gold thingy he had on his head (and a lot of the purebred human children had on their heads here too) was also shiny. He was big and had muscles and looked like a natural pack leader.

"Mr. Charming, knowing the land in which you are ruling can greatly improve how you understand the land you must rule. Also, geografairy is a part of the History Ever After course, which is a core course, it is required of you to graduate," the bigger human said. The bigger human's clothes were ugly and boring. There was nothing shiny about him, so I returned my attention to the shiny Daring.

"But sir, this work is hard," he said. Two of the other boys sitting with him laughed loudly. One of them had black hair that had red pieces. It was weird and looked like he dipped it in jelly, or blood. I like jelly better. He was wearing shiny silver. The other one's hair was orange and he was wearing a black hat on his head. A weird triangle shaped thing with a stick and strings leaned against the back of his chair.

The fourth boy with them, also with yellow hair but more messy than shiny Daring's told him "don't worry I got this, it's actually pretty easy." His blue jacket had a pattern on it and there was a shiny chain around his neck.

While the children wrote on their papers with writing sticks and discussed countries, I focused my attention in on Shiny Daring, Yellow Haired Not-Daring, Jelly Boy and Hat Head.

"So, the voting for the yearbook is coming up," Daring said to his friends.

"I'm not voting for you and Cerise for best couple," Hat Head whined.

"Why? I am," Jelly Boy said.

"You're just saying that to get on my good side so you can ask my sister to prom," Shiny Daring laughed.

"Maybe," Jelly Boy laughed too.

"Because Cerise is my cousin and that's just weird," Hat Head continued. If Hat Head is Little Red's cousin doesn't that make Hat Head my cousin too? He didn't appear to be a wolf child. Maybe he would be able to tell me more about Little Red.

Yellow Haired Not-Daring, who was supposed to be doing work, looked at someone on the other side of the room. I really wanted to see who, but the big human was coming towards the hole, so it was my time to run. I ducked low under the window and moved as quickly as I could away.

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