Letter for her

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'Dear love,

The birds are chirping merrily and there's a picturesque view in front of my eyes right now – green grasses, hills, blossoming daffodils, bright yellow of sunflowers could not distinguish the sad and hurt feeling of losing someone I love.

This place, which should give me peace and happiness are full of sorrow, full of sadness, full of memories which I would never wanted to remember. It doesn't mean I want to forget every memories we created together, my love...Its just our memories were too sweet and full of happiness that I feel really hurtful right now whenever I remembered them. The absence of you really shocked me. The absence of you make me lost and hanging. The absence of you make me difficult to carry on my life. The absence of you make me suffocate.

Unexpected things that we never know are all His job. Sometimes, young doesn't mean we are going to live until we're old. There are still possibilities that we would face the God when we are still young. Young doesn't guarantee you will face your death after the older ones. And sometimes, healthy doesn't mean you will live longer than the sick people. Life is full of surprise. We never know what will happen to our future. Whether we die young or die when we're old, we never know. But what's important is, our Deeds.

My prayers are always be with you, my love...I started to accept your death. Until now, I felt guilty that I let you save me from that accident. If you didn't save me that day, you would never leave me first. I am the one who should be gone first, not you. My love, although you had gone for a month, I'm still missing you and our moments. I wish you will be here by my side, accompanying my last days before I'm going to leave this world. My love, it has been 6 months... Today is 31 August 2017 and it is the last day of this month which means today maybe the last day for me before I leave this temporary world before meeting my Creator.

My love, I remembered when we first knew that I only had six months to leave, we planned many interesting activities together. I planned my wish lists and you became my fairy godmother by trying your best to grant all my wishes. But, I never granted your wishes. If I knew, only if I knew that you were going to leave me first, I would have done the same thing. But, who am I to predict what would happen in the future. My love, today is your birthday, which I never forget. Today is also the day Wani's dead. I'm still feeling guilty for everything. But what can I do? Things had happened. There might be reasons in every occurrences. Again, my love, I'm sorry...

My love, I'm feeling weak day by day. I feel weak without you by my side. I can't stand it again. I think it's time for me to go meet you in the Heaven, in shaa Allah...

I'll be your present for your birthday. Happy Birthday, my dear Meesya...




Slowly, Ameer's hand weakened. He touched his nose. 'It's bleeding.' He uttered softly. The pen and the letter he wrote for Meesya dirtied with his blood. He laid on the green grass without anyone knowing that he had gone from the world forever together with his only hope that is to meet Meesya...


                                                                                        -THE END-

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