iii. Furry Little Problem?

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

5 whole hours had gone by and Florence still hadn't opened the letter. She had been staring at it the entire time, hoping that perhaps it'd open itself and unveil its secrets to her through some sort of divine intervention or something.

She even tried placing it beside her on the seat, watching for movement out of the corner of her eye as she read 'Alice in Wonderland' to a sleeping Digit.

But alas, no dice.

Leaning her head back on the backrest of the plush compartment seat, she closes her eyes for a moment, contemplating whether or not she should just bite the bullet and open the stupid thing.

On one hand, it had to have ended up in her possession for some reason beyond just coincidence. As far as she is aware, she is the only witch in her little village and she would have noticed any other owls delivering mail to her neighbors. It's unlikely the owl had simply missed its mark by a few houses. That and the pure mystery of it all had been gnawing at her, slowly driving her mad with curiosity.

On the other hand, she's like half sure that opening other people's mail is considered a crime.

After debating with herself internally for a few more minutes, Florence sits back up and decides once and for all to open it, curiosity getting the better of her.

Sliding her nail underneath the seal, she folds it open and pulls out a piece of small parchment. The paper is ink-splotched and looks just as messily written as the front of the envelope had been. She reaches over and quickly shuts the blinds on the compartment door. Squinting her eyes, Florence begins to decipher the mystery writer's handwriting once again.



First off, sorry for writing to you so early and right before the semester starts, but It couldn't wait until we got on the train. Also, Mum's already used Alfred to send off letters last night and he isn't back yet so I'm borrowing Digit. It's 3 am right now though so don't tell Amelia I did that, he'll probably be back before she even notices anyhow.


Florence's brow furrows, her mum must've been telling the truth this morning about it being Digit at the window and not some other random owl. She also decides that this letter is definitely not one meant for her as anyone who remotely knows Florence, knows she wouldn't keep a secret from Amelia of all people, especially not about their apparent thievery of Digit for their own use.


Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that Padfoot and I have put our collective brain sells together (as you say), and we've figured it out!

Woof. ☾ Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now