vi. Confrontation

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Remus wishes that the first day of the term wasn't so close to the full moon. All day he's been struggling to pay attention. What, with the aching in his bones, and the feeling of being on the verge of passing out constantly.

Normally he'd skip classes the day before the full moon and just sleep through them, but this year was his O.W.L's and all his professors seem to be wasting no time at all in beginning their curriculum.

He's currently sat next to Sirius, 3 rows in front of James and Peter, and for the last 45 minutes, he's been trying desperately to hold his head up and take notes as McGonagall goes over the laws of transmutation for living and nonliving objects.

"Pssst, Remus..."

Remus turns his gaze slightly to the left as Sirius calls his name. Whatever his friend has to say is probably not important, but it's bound to be more interesting than relearning and memorizing spell laws and properties.

"How do you reckon we should handle tomorrow night? Should we all just transform and sneak down beforehand or should we wait till Pomphrey's gone and then go?" Sirius whispers out the side of his mouth, still facing forward to pretend he's paying attention.

"Don't talk about that here, what if someone overhears you..." Remus whispers, side-eyeing Sirius, "-And I'll tell you more tonight but you'll need to bring the cloak most likely and transform after," he adds, returning to his weak attempt at paying attention.

McGonagall has moved on to the effects of layered transmutation spells, and Remus feels even more lost than before. He looks down at his page and the words swim together, creating unreadable loops of grey and black ink. It's useless. He's too tired and too distracted to even try today.

"Sorry mate, I'm just excited we finally get to help you," Sirius says, scribbling down something off the board that Remus can't focus his eyes on fully. "Oh yeah, by the way, I forgot to tell you earlier, but your little Ravenclaw stood us up," Sirius adds, dipping his quill and continuing to scribble furiously.

"Well, I wonder why," Remus scoffs, "You and James looked terrifying this morning when you got to breakfast. I also heard from Solomon Lee that you two were chasing her through the halls. What's gotten into you both?" he asks, sending Sirius an unimpressed look.

"Ok well, that was mostly James," Sirius stops scribbling when McGonagall turns away, massaging the muscle in his thumb as it cramps up. He's about to continue, but gives upon realizing she's wiped the board clean. It probably wasn't that important anyway. "I think he was just upset that she stood us up after hurting you, and when we saw her talking to Finch outside the great hall he kinda just took off-" he explains.

"She was talking to Finch? Again?" Remus interrupts. What was she talking to him about, and why does he keep talking to her in the first place? Did Amelia leave out Florence having a crush or a boyfriend already? Did she not know?

Woof. ☾ Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now