Bitter sweet reunion

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It's already morning and I haven't gotten one second of sleep. Nothing weird happened after the screaming stopped. The girl in the ice just stayed in her sleep state.

"Natsu" says ice princess. I look to the door way and there he is with Juvia. Juvia is holding his arm , Gray looks annoyed. I don't know why they are together... he clearly doesn't like her. But love is love nothing you can do about it. Gray and me wait till the others get here.

"So any weird things happened last night ?" Asks Gray. Juvia blushes madly and it leaves me confused.
Girls are weird.

"I heard screaming and call me crazy but I think it came from her" I said while motioning towards the crystal. Gray laughs hysterically.

"Oh Natsu you need sleep" taunts Gray. I was about to punch him until Erza came in with a glare. Me and Gray hug each other and smile innocently.

"Good" says Erza with a smile. Levy was beside her with Mira.

"So you ready?" Asks Juvia to Gray. Gray nods and takes off his shirt.

"Really is that necessary?" Asks Mira. Levy and Juvia laugh. Gray scoffs.

"Shut it" he says. Gray gets in a weird stance and points both hands towards the ice but hesitates.

"What you waiting for stripper?" I say impatiently.

"What if letting her out is a mistake Natsu think about it" says Gray. I sigh.

"What's the worst that could happen ice princess, let her out" I say. Gray shakes his head and mutters something. Then he starts meetings the ice. The mages hair starts falling down her body , hugging on to her skin. Her face and body is now drenched. Once the ice completely melts she falls to the side and lays on the ground unconsciously. We all circle the mage.

"Something seems familiar about her, now that I get a closer look" says Levy. Mira turns her head to the side.

"Yeah, have we seen her before?" Asks Mira. I try to look closer but sadly I don't recognize her. I grab her and place her on Lucy's bed. She laid there peacefully, her chest heaving up and down.

"What do we do now?" Asks Levy.

"We wait till she wakes" says Gray.

"And when she does we ask her what powers she possesses" says Erza. Erza looks a bit contradicted. When battling against the Mage and the tall man she held the same face. I feel so bad that she missed out on three years of training because of me. It's all my fault, because of my selfishness.

"Erza I'm sorry" I say. She snaps out of her thoughts and looks at me oddly.

"Why? You've done nothing" she says.

"Because of me you've gotten out of practice" I say while looking out the window. Erza smiles warmly and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Natsu, it wasn't your fault. I just don't do things without my team. You guys are my team so it just wouldn't have felt right going alone" she explains. "besides going on missions alone is petty" she says. Me and Gray begin laughing and the others join in.

"Well she isn't waking any time soon" says Levy.

"Yeah maybe we should head out" says Erza while acknowledging the pink and purple sky.

"Whose going to stay tonight?" Asks Juvia.

"I-" I cut off Gray.

"I'm staying" I say. Gray's eyebrow twitches.

"Natsu you stayed last night you need rest" Gray points out.

"No, leave shoo shoo" I push them out of the apartment. Gray was going to begin complaining but I shut the door in his face. Finally , he is gone. I walk back to the room and the mage was standing up and looking at the pictures on the desk. I freeze, not knowing what to do. The girl's face wasn't visible, due to the long golden strands of hair covering the left side of her face. I walk in slowly.

"So you woke up" I say awkwardly. She tenses up, almost like she froze. The girl looked at the window and tried making a run for it, but was met with an invisible wall. Thank you Fried.


"So you woke up" that voice. I held the frame in my hand and tightens my grip till the point of bending the poorly built frame. That can't be...he can't.. It's Natsu. His smell is enough evidence for me not to mention his voice. I don't know what to do, I feel trapped. What should I do! I can't face him! I just can't! How did I even get here! How'd he reach me! This is too much pressure! I'll just do what I'm good at,

Run away.

I lunge for the window but was shot back into the room. An enchantment. He planned this. I stand up.

"What are you doing?" Asks Natsu. My stomach twists in knots and my throat tightens. I feel him approach me and then stop a few inches away from me. What do I say to him.

I turn to face him with my head hanging low, only staring at the floor. The scary part of all this is.....I don't feel a thing. I'm literally numb, I imagine my feelings but they just aren't real. I spent my life imagining things and he was one of them. I imagined love between me and him, between me and my friends, and between me and my father. I learned reality and threw away fantasies. Now I'm going to face him. I bring my face up to meet his eyes.

"Natsu" I say like a whisper. Natsu's green eyes grow wide and tears form in them. He stares at me and doesn't form a sentence.

"L-Lucy?" He asks. I stay quiet and analyze his face. His tears slide down his pained face. He then jumps into me and embraces me in a tight hug. He places his head in the crook of my neck and his tears hit my bare arms.

"I knew you'd come back" he whispers into my hair. I can't find it in myself to hug him back. I let my hands hang to my sides and let him pick me up like a rag doll. His height is towering compared to mine. I feel his warmth engulf me but somehow my coldness inside is to cold. He lets me go.

"Funny it's starting to feel like that story you were writing" he says with an awkward laugh. I nod.

"As you can see your room is the same as you left" he motioned towards my room.

"My room was trashed" I said emotionlessly. Natsu grins.

"Yeah but I fixed it, so tell me what was your trip like?" He asks while sitting criss-cross apple sauce on my bed. I keep standing.

"Sit" he says while patting the spot next to him. I hesitantly sit there.

"So tell me" he says like a little kid. I look him in the eye.

"It was normal" I say. He laughs.

"Oh Lucy you've always been weird.. seriously what was it like?" Asks Natsu. Why is he so persistent.

"Like I said it was normal" I responded once again. He then got off the bed and paced back and forth. He had an angry smile on his face.

"Just normal huh" he says. Whys is he trying so hard to be happy? Something is knowing at him.

"Natsu what's wrong" I ask. He stops pacing and turns to me.
He looks at me with wide eyes and a mad expression.

"Your answer is what's wrong" Natsu says. I tilt my head to the side.

"What was wrong with my answer?" I ask. He then drops the act completely. He has angry eyes and clenched teeth.

"Everything! If the trip was so normal then why didn't you come back!" He yells. I sit silently. "It was unfair Lucy...I waited every day for you and the only thing you have to say is that your trip was normal" he says. I sit and listen to his hurtful words. His tears were falling from his eyes again. He falls to his knees and fists the floor multiple times. He doesn't look up to me.

What do I do? I get off the bed and get on my knees too. I lift his face up and wrap him in a tight hug. He was taken by surprise with my sudden hug. He then wraps his arms around me.

"It's unfair Lucy" he says to me. I want to cry an be sad with you Natsu... but I just can't do it. I'm sorry that I'm not.

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