#1 Hit: 1973

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Andy's pov:
We're number one. Yes you wanking arsehole you heard me! We're number one on the UK Singles Charts! We're proud, seriously, and especially me, kind of a new year's resolution. I checked the other songs that made it on the chart and noticed Jean Genie [by David Bowie] was on there, that one we were pretty concerned about, more specifically the bassline to it, Steve minded it a tad bit. Chinn and Chapman really know how to make bubblegum pop hits. Some Hawaiian Summer pop hits like Funny Funny, CoCo, Papa Joe, AGB were a hit to some, but not a big hit. Hell, Blockbuster is our first big hit! I'm telling you, I was fucking astonished hearing that from the other fellas.

(Studio) Brian's pov:
I celebrated our success by drinking my pint. I was sitting at the couch of our studio while Mick was reading a magazine that included the Singles chart (with OUR song at number one!), and all of a sudden the phone was ringing. I got up and picked the phone up. "Brian Connally". The guy on the phone was someone who worked for Top of the Pops. Now I will be completely honest, I was expecting someone from somewhere to talk to us about our hit song, but Top of the Pops!?

"Yes that's me."

I had a long talk with the guy, and it was an amazing chat. After a while I hung up the phone, and out of excitement I ran and grabbed Mick from the couch by his shirt.

"MATE! MATE GUESS WHAT!?-" I yelled out.


I was shaking! From the news and because Mick just yelled in my ear drum.

Micks expression was priceless. His face went from "I'm a prick and I'll fuck you up" to shocked. He started to smile.
"Brian mate are you serious?! Or are you just wasted? You better be serious or I'm gonna be pissed?-"

"I'm not drunk!" I loudly reassured. "We are going to Top of the Pops! We're performing Blockbuster!"

Mick then told me "Well for fucks sake, we need to inform the others!"

(Studio #2) 3rd person point of view:
Andy and Steve were sitting on the couch together drinking pint. They were talking about Blockbuster, and that they were proud of the things that happened throughout the years and now.

"Those were nice times I suppose" remarked Steve. Andy went on talking about other stuff related to the band, as he was talking Steve listens to him but starts drifting off to his voice.

Steve's pov:
These are just my thoughts but: Is it gay to say that I find Andys voice quite comforting? It's kind of calming, he's very easy to talk to, it may not be like that with the others (especially Mick), but it's certainly like that with me. I'm very comfortable around him, I'll be honest, a bit too comfortable. Hell, I'm more comfortable around the guy more than my wife (I am starting to lose the feelings for the woman, but I'm still married to her for Lisa's sake), he's just, a tad bit better than my wife, more understanding, more nicer to talk with... Do I dare say more nicer looking in appearance, or is that something I'm not supposed to say? I'll be honest, I'm not a homosexual, I bat an eye for ladies, I just happen to (in secret) make an exception for Andy. We're just friends, we have wives, and I'm not gay. That's that. End of thoughts.

Well, my thoughts ended when Andy stopped talking.

"You there Steph?"

I scoffed at that remark. "Steph?"

"Yeah, have you looked at yourself at the mirror? You look like a younger girl. Put on some makeup and I can fool people that you're my woman."

I felt my face heat up at that comment but laughed at it. "There's no way! I do not mate."

"Put on some lip tint and mascara and look at yourself in the mirror, let's see how you think now!"

I took that as a challenge, I happened to have some because my wife accidently left her makeup here at the studio. I went through her bag and found the tint and mascara. I applied it to my face and I went to the bathroom, Andy following me.

"You're crazy Steve, crazy!" As he was walking behind me.

"What!? You said before, "let's see how you think now!" And thought I wouldn't do anything!", I made it to the bathroom and saw my reflection on the mirror... And Andy was right... Damn it.

My face was just, blank.

Andy was giggling while drinking his pint. "See what I mean? Steph???" And started laughing at me.

I thought aloud. "Red hair, rosy cheeks and red lips... I look like a twelve year old girl..".

"I was right"

The door slammed open and it was Brian and Mick.

"WE'RE PERFORMING TOP-" they stopped mid sentence because they saw me in makeup.

Mick is confused as hell, "the fuck are you doing!?" He loudly questioned. "I'll be honest" I replied, "I don't wanna talk about it."

It was kind of silent.

"Okaaaaay... Other than now wondering if one of us is a homosexual..." Brian concertedly acknowledged, "We are performing, Top of the Pops!"

"There's no fucking way!" Me and Andy thought the same thing.

Mick grabbed both of us out of the bathroom, "Brian just got the call from a worker at Top of the Pops! One of the studio directors said Jimmy thought our song was bloody amazing he wanted us to perform it!"

Andy thought about it, "Jimmy Savlie?" he asked Mick.

Mick nodded his head. Brian had told us to return to the studio, Chinn and Chapman has the plans and dates for our performance. We followed him back down these hallways. I remember very vividly Andy made such a remark.

"You know, If we were drunk and I saw you wearing makeup, I probably would've mistakenee you for a woman, maybe even hit on you." As he continues to drink all what's left in his pint bottle.

I happened to make such a sarcastic answer after that, I don't remember much but it was along the lines of "very cute, Andy".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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