April Showers

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Her name is April Sommers and she was like any normal child until she turned nine and her parents died in a tragic car accident.By the age of 12 April had live in 8 foster homes,she had so many foster homes because everyone kept abandoning her.When she turned 16 she made a wish to forget the last 7 years of her life and to move on and forget.The day after her 16th her luck started to turn and she moved in with a lovely foster family who couldnt have kids of their own.April started to attend high school and started to catch up with the life she missed she even got herself a boyfriend named Paul and he treated her as if she was a princess.Life was going well until the day before her 17th birthday when her luck started to go bad.Her adoptive dad was out getting a birthday present for her when he got in to a car accidnt and died.

                                                                                                                                             Aprils POV  

I acted strong when they told me he died.I couldnt look in to the eyes of the woman i thought of as my mother there was too much pain in them.I couldnt bear it any longer so i ran up to my room and collapsed on my bed and cried myself to sleep.When i woke up i felt shaken.I went in to my en suite bathroom and started to get ready for the long day ahead of me because today was the worse day of the year my birthday.

                                                                                                                                            Pauls POV

I looked down at the birthday present i got her a couple of months ago i was debating whether or not to give them to her.I ended up deciding to give it to her as it may take her mind off things for a couple of hours.I drove to her house which didnt take long considering she only lives down the road,when i arrived at her house i knocked on the door and saw her mother i said i was sorry for her loss and gave her a big hug and she replied with a simple thank you and sent me in to the direction of her room.I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

                                                                                                                                           Aprils POV  

I head a knock on the door and i hesitated wondering who it could be but i finally came to a descision and decided it would most likely be Paul so i said come in.He came in and my heart started pounding in my chest he looked perfect like he usually does you would think that i was used to how he looked by now but i wasnt.He handed me a brown envelope with my name on it and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear happy birthday and his hot breath on my neck made me shiver.I quickly moved my thoughts from him to the contents inside the envelope,i had no clue what it was.I opened the envelopeand saw two VIP tickets to One Direction.Paul knew i loved their music and that i promised myself i would go and see them in concert some day and as i looked at the date on the tickets i guessed today would be that day.

                                                                 AUTHERS NOTE

Our first fan fiction :) hope yous all like it.i will upload the next chap soon and i assure u that there will be other povs from one direction in the next chap........so read,enjoy,comment and vote it would really mean a lot to me <3

April ShowersWhere stories live. Discover now