Chapter 3

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                                                                  Aprils POV

I blacked out in the arms of Niall Horan,normally I would be happy about this but under the circumstances; which for some reason I cant remember, I am not happy.I woke up lying in a bed with all of One Direction staring at me.I must be seeing things, this isn't real; its all a just a dream .So why the hell cant I wake up? Something is out of place here, someone is missing I just don't know who.....maybe if I close my eyes and let the darkness take over me all the judging eyes will disappear.

                                                                  Harrys POV 

She's so that word doesn't do her justice, beautiful ? No its still not good enough, no word ever will be good enough to describe her. I am so glad Niall brought her back with him, its a pity about the guy that died though. How did she know him though? The room is completely silent so I decided to break this awkward silence and ask nobody in particular a question that has been bugging me quite a while now.

'Any more information on the guy that died and this girl?' it takes a minute for anybody to answer my question, but finally Zayn answers warily.

'yea we found out their names and that's it' we have been here for hours and that's the only information we got so far....seriously this is a joke.

'So aren't you going to tell me their names?' I asked jokingly

'No psychic Harry I am going to let you figure this one out all by yourself like the true loner you are' Zayn replied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and replied in a serious tone 'What are their names?'

Zayn realising how serious I was being answered in an emotionless tone 'Paul Salvatore and April Sommers' wow her name is just as pretty as her face....

The room is once again silent until Niall gasps and we all turn to see what Niall was gasping at. Two  beautiful mysterious brown eyes are gaping at all of us as if we all had twenty seven heads. That was the moment where I realised I had to make her mine no matter what.

                                                                   Liams POV

The girl; April I reminded myself , is awake and she looks very puzzled and confused .Niall is the first one of us to speak and I can see the tears glistening in his eyes. I am not listening to a single word he is saying because I am thinking about the conversation that me and Danielle shared last night, I cant believe she would do that to me, I loved her but I guess that didn't matter to her.


I looked at my phone and seen 3 missed calls from my favourite person in the world; Danielle. Without thinking I rang her back and waited for her to pick up the phone.

'.Hey Liam can you meet me at Starbucks we need to talk?'

'ye sure Danielle what time do you want to meet?'

 'does 6pm work for you?'

'yes 6pm is fine with me, I will talk to you then Danielle love you,bye'

'Bye Liam'

It was already half five so I just sat and waited for twenty minutes because I would have to leave ten minutes early to get there in time. The time went by quick and it was soon time for me to leave.

When I arrived at Starbucks I immediately knew something was wrong just by the look on Danielle's face . I took my seat right across from her and asked her what she wanted to meet me here for. it didn't take long for her to spit out the six words I thought I would never hear coming from her mouth.

'I am breaking up with you' she said it with no feeling at all as if the relationship we had for 3 years meant nothing at all too her . I couldn't say anything I was too shocked to. She just got up and left me there without even saying goodbye .I just sat there and let the tears flow.

 I am quickly snapped out of my thoughts from Niall asking me if I was ok. I just nodded. I could see in Nialls eyes that he was falling for her but he wasn't the only one of us that seemed to feel the same way about her.

                                                              Louis POV

Everything is so serious and I don't do serious, its not fun. I must say though I am distracted by this girl, she's gorgeous but she has a sadness to her eyes like she's lost or broken and I just want to fix her by holding her so tightly and whispering sweet little nothings into her ear. Then she opened those lovely brown eyes of hers and all I was thinking was I need her and I want her. The first thing that came to my mind was to hug her so I did. While I was hugging her I went into my own little world but I was suddenly snapped back into reality by a throbbing pain in my head and I look up to see a huge grin on Nialls face and that's when I realised he just granny slapped my head and all he has to say for himself is that's revenge for you jumping on me this morning. I wont let him win this little game so I say its on Horan and chase him out of the room.

                                                               Nialls POV

After being chased around by Louis for a good 15 minutes I start to feel really really hungry. So I shouted time out im really really hungry and Louis just laughed and nodded in an agreement. My hunger is soon forgotten as I walk back in to the room and see April and Harry flirting. For some reason this makes my blood boil and I wasn't aware that I was clenching my fists in to a ball prepared to kill Harry until Zayn and Liam are telling me to calm down. I look over to Louis and see him looking just as angry as me but why is he angry?

                                                            Aprils POV

Someone, Louis I think is hugging me and im not sure why....but then Niall hits Louis across the head and I have to supress a giggle at this action, but it doesn't take Louis too long to react and soon they both disappear out of the room. Two minutes later and Harry I think is making his way over to me, and after five minutes of talking we both start flirting with each other, this is very unusual for me but suddenly Harry falls silent and is staring at something behind me and I turn around to see what he is staring at and I spot a very angry looking Niall and Louis at the door. Zayn and Liam are trying to calm Niall down and im guessing that they haven't seen Louis yet because he looks just as angry as Niall. I can see that Niall has his fists clench and he looks like he is about to kill Harry with the glares that is giving him but why? What is Nialls problem? I see Niall making his way towards Harry and me and I swore that he was going to hit Harry but he didn't he just asked him what was he doing but Harry didn't get time to reply because someone barged through the door. Im guessing it was one of their security guards because he looks like one. He told me he had more information on the shooter that tried to kill Niall but got Paul Salvatore instead. Why did that name sound familiar? Then it hit me Paul Salvatore was the name of my boyfriend and now he's dead, that's the last thing I remember before the darkness took over me 

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