Chapter 4

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                                                                    Aprils POV

I woke up in my own bed and the pain from the last two or three days finally hit me. The most important thing in my life was taken away from me and for what reason, to save someone who I don't even know, all I know is that nothing matters anymore im done caring for anybody. its not that I don't want to care for anyone its just that its not safe for them, anyone I care for seems to always get hurt. First my parents, then my adoptive dad and now Paul. I have the sudden urge to do something that I used to do years ago to take some of the pain away, but I promised myself I wouldn't incase I would end up cutting too deep and then I would be dead. I debated with myself if I should cut myself or not, if I cut too deep and die anyway who would care, there is no one left to care.  Finally making a decision I make my way to the bathroom and open the draw where I keep the razors that I used to cut myself with and I start to cut again. When will the pain end?

                                                                    Nialls POV

After dropping April back to her house; where I hoped she would be safe; I went for a little walk in the park so that I could think about the events from the last couple of days but of course I wouldn't be alone there is security always keeping a close eye on me but they promised me they would keep out of sight. while im walking in the park  I start to have this terrible feeling that something is wrong with April, I try to shake the feeling out of my head but it doesn't work so I decide to go back to her house to check on her. 5 minutes later I am hesitating at her door, so may questions are running through my head but I ignore them all as April could be in serious danger so I just barge in the door without even knocking and I make my way to Aprils room. Her room is empty so I check the bathroom and the sight I see shocks me and upsets me. April is just standing there so casually with a razor blade cutting her wrists. Without a second thought I take the razor blades off her and pull her in to a hug. I feel her tears slipping on to my shirt but I don't care the only thing that I care about at the moment is April. I could have stayed like this forever but I knew I had to bandage her wrists up and check that she didn't cut too deeply. So I pull away so that I can look at her and the look on her face breaks my heart she looked like she was in so much pain. The room is silent but I need to break it to find out why she was cutting herself.

'April why were you self harming yourself? do you know how dangerous that is?' I say this in a calm tone so that she doesn't think that I am angry at her.

'it eases the pain Niall, and yes I know its dangerous that's part of the reason why I did it! just leave me alone if you know what's good for you!!

Was that supposed to be a threat or a warning and why is she shouting at me I am only trying to help her . 'April I will never leave you alone, why are you telling me to leave you alone? and what did you mean by if you know what's good for you?'

'im telling you to leave me alone because if you don't you are going to end up dead!' she says this with such certainty in her voice and I can see her tears stream down her face like a waterfall but I can also see the worry on her face is that worry for me?

' how am I going to end up dead April? I know that you could tell that I am curious just by my tone and facial expression, but hey I cant help but be curious.

'Anyone that I care for or that cares for me always ends up hurt or dead, and I don't want to care for you Niall but I do and I cant help it and im just afraid that you will end up hurt or worse dead.'  my heart stopped beating in my chest she cares for me? I know what I am about to do next I will regret later but im the kind of guy that lives in the moment for the moment so I pull her in closer and I kiss her and the kiss was so passionate and heated and I never wanted it to end but if I didn't stop now I wouldn't be able to help myself from doing something that both of us would surely regret later. So I pull back and I look her in the eyes and I can see that she is shocked by what I just did but I can also see something in her eyes that I haven't seen before and that's happiness. The blissful moment is interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing and of course it had to be Harry he had to ruin the moment. I hesitate not sure if I should answer or not but I finally decide to answer it.

'what do you want Harry??' I say this in an annoyed tone

'you have to come back to the flat Niall they are about to give us more information about the shooter'

'Will I bring April?' I ask him knowing that he will say yes anyways

'yes you can, just hurry up though' and with that he hung up.

I look at April and tell her that they have more information on the shooter so we have ta go to my flat now she said nothing she just nodded so I took her by the hand and entwined our fingers and assure her that everything is going to be ok and then we made our way to the flat.

                                                                Louis POV

I was so excited because Niall was bringing April over which meant I can finally talk to her since the other day I didn't get the chance to. My mood quickly turned to jealousy and rage as soon as Niall and April walked thorough the door HOLDING HANDS!!!!!!! What did I miss?? I look around the room and see that everybody is just as shocked as me. I know Niall rarely has a girlfriend but seriously the girl that I want he had to get, was he dong this to me on purpose??? I was starting to get so angry and I had to storm out of the room just so I wouldn't do something that I would later regret.

                                                                Harrys POV

Everyone is so shocked at Niall and April that we all forget why we are all here that is until we are all brought back into reality by the slamming of the hall door after Louis stormed out in a jealous rage and to be honest I wasn't too far following him. Niall may have April for the moment but I will win her heart over and that is a promise. I break the awkward silence that Niall and April have created and asked the security to just tell us the information they got about the shooter and I promised I would tell Louis later, but I didn't expect anything that came out of the security mans mouth it was just too shocking.

                                                                  Zayns POV

The shooter is a jealous psychopath ex girlfriend of either me, Louis, Harry, Liam or Niall. I am trying to think of who it could be but no one at all came to my mind that was even close to psychotic or even jealous any girl I dated was kind caring and maybe some were a tiny bit jealous but not jealous enough to kill anybody!! this is just too messed up and I just cant wait for things to g back to normal......but maybe it will never go back to normal.

                                                                   Liams POV 

Thank god it wasn't one of my ex girlfriends, but then again I didn't have many ex girlfriends. I should of never thought about ex girlfriends because now Danielle is on my mind again and at this point I would do anything to get her off it. The security men are asking us to tell them the name of all our ex girlfriends from the past 2 or 3 years and surprize they want me to go first so I name out all mine but hesitate when I came to the most recent one Danielle. I haven't told anyone about our break up yet but I guess this is the best way for them to find out and then I let her name slip out of my lips for the first time in what feels like years. I look around to see all the shocked and questioning faces but I don't want to answer any questions that any of them have so I just stay quiet.

                                                                   Aprils POV

I  can hear everybody talking but all I can think about is the kiss that Niall and I shared, it was so different to any of Pauls kisses it seemed better maybe I am falling for Niall but I don't wanna fall because when things fall they get broken and I don't want either of us to be broken. I really need to stop overthinking things and just live in the moment, I know that everybody is staring at me and Niall when he pulls me down to sit on his knees but honestly I don't care. I am a little worried about Louis though, I wonder why he stormed off? It couldn't be because of me and Niall holding hands could it???

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2013 ⏰

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